
Spiritually speaking, have you ever felt drawn to a specific place?

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I've always felt drawn to countries such as the UK, Germany, and the "Nordic" ones. Now that I've freed myself from my former religion I now feel spiritually drawn as well. It is weird.

Has anyone else ever experience this?

BTW I live in the US and have never been to Europe.




  1. Yes.  To the water, the moon, the stars.

  2. I've been on every continent except Antarctica.I just love the Smoky Mountains.I DO feel drawn there.I'll actually get irritable if after awhile,normal life events prevent me from going.I don't know why.I've seen more dramatic places,lots of them.Right now I'm anxious,just talking about it.Don't know if I can wait until October to go again.There's a little place called "Cade's Cove" early settlement.If I try,I can almost picture the people there.I don't believe in reincarnation,but if I did,I would be convinced I had lived there before

  3. Yes.  When I walk through a health food store I feel guided by my own body toward items which always end up improving my health.

    Last time was ginseng and royal jelly and that stuff is astounding.

  4. I'm an Australian. When I went to England, I felt like I was home, even though I had never been there, and my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents had been born in Australia.

    I felt a spiritual peace in England that I have felt nowhere else, and my heart leaps when I see film or photographs of the rolling hills and winding roads of the English country-side

    Ever since I have longed to go back and I am homesick for a country that is not my own.  I will go back one day.  

  5. Yes... for me it is the Chesapeake Bay, anywhere between Annapolis Maryland and Virginia Beach.

  6. YES!!!

    The Mojave desert. Joshua Tree, CA, specifically.

    What an incredible place

  7. yes, i feel spiritually connected to The Sea of Souls.....

    i feel it deeply!

    if you mean it as a place on earth, it's round the pacific ocean area... for me. and the Adriatic sea.

    i feel in connection with japan, irland, uk, new york.

    s africa, tibet come close behind.

    i'd like to visit the countries that today lay on the old Mesopotamian lands..

    i live in europe.

    ---funny! i kept seeing this exact q for the past couple of days... but when looked for it, it vanished... like it was never here! what do you make of it??


  8. Yea. I feel drawn to my bed right now.

    Other than that, I have an affinity for the desert.

  9. Man, i'm DYING to go to Iceland, and see the places mentioned in Egil's Saga, and actually TOUCH a standing rune stone.  Just knowing that i'm touching something that was put up a thousand years ago, by another heathen not at all unlike myself (or maybe i'm giving myself credit, but I can only hope that those who came before us look at my actions and nod, saying "agh, he's close enough.")

    And where I can say I'm Asatru and not have to give a long winded explanation about it.  =\

  10. I didn't need to give up my religion to be drawn to places but I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

  11. For you, because you wrote that you liked that answer so well (although I did not) I will re-post it as best I am able.

    I am drawn to Colorado, specifically, Aspen.

    Not to catch glimpses of celebrities. Not to hob-nob with the rich and famous. Not to be a part of such a high-profile town.

    I am drawn to Aspen for it's simple --yet breath taking-- beauty.

    I love breakfasting on the veranda at Andre's (I wonder if it is still there?) chilled to the bone by the numbing cold, reading the Rocky Mountain News, sipping steaming coffee while enjoying Denver omelets as the first rays of the dawning sun peek above the majestic mountain tops.

    My spirit soars when sailing over the mountains in hot air balloons, the joy of readying the balloon for flight, the feeling of freedom as I float  ever higher, the delightful champagne and croissant breakfasts upon landing.

    I love hiking up through Cripple Creek, and am enthralled with the trout that flash their colors when the sunlight strikes them, shining like jewels in the mind-numbingly cold water.

    I am delighted with the almost-daily thunderstorms that roll swiftly through Independence Pass, and dissipate just as quickly, moving on to other mountains, other places, to work their magic once again.

    I am captivated by the hot days and cold nights when the stars shine with a clarity not seen elsewhere on this earth, seeming so close you can almost reach out and touch them.

    I love sunbathing in the snow, for at this altitude, the sun wraps you in warmth.

    I love the way the snow falls silently, and covers everything it touches with a protective blanket. The way the firelight glows from the houses that line the snow-covered streets. The joy of the people who choose to live here, because they want to be a part of such a splendid place.

    I am enraptured with watching eagles soar, marmots scurrying through the fields, the sound of Aspen leaves rustling in the wind, the scent of the mountain air, the way the sky turns fiery red just as the sun dips below the mountains.

    I am charmed by the ghost town of Ashcroft that is an easy ride on the back of an old black horse named Winston, who's sure foot carries me safely through the narrow mountain trails.

    I feel close to a God I don't believe in as I sit high on the mountain tops, surrounded by such a canvas of beauty that I am  diminished in my insignificance while my spirit is next to bursting.

    I love this town and the people in it, who accepted without question the disheveled runaway who quite unexpectedly found herself a resident at the tender age of 17.

    I love all of Colorado, but when I am in Aspen,  I have come home.

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