
Spiritually speaking, have you ever had a day where everything went...?

by  |  earlier

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Nah, me either.




  1. Nope, not really.  For some reason or another Tuesdays are worse than Mondays for me.  Wonder why that is so?

  2. Now, does this make you a pessimist?

  3. Yeah, but I slept right through it.

  4. i had a few days that went right....... that was after i accepted satan as my true father....

  5. I've had a few where it seemed like it almost had.  Very very very rare though.  

  6. Maybe you had a day where everything went right except your judgment of how things were going?

  7. That would make driving around tricky.  You would have to make 3 right turns every time you wanted to turn left.


  8. no i have NEVER had a day w/ everything right

  9. Just about every day. And I thank god every night.

  10. Everyday is a challenge. But with God in your life, everything is right!

  11. everyday

  12. My faith is that everything is as it should be at all times.

    So - knowing that - EVERY day is a day when everything goes right.

    Seeing it that way - is my job.  Some days that's easier to do than others.


  13. once in a blue moon....honeymoons are cool..

  14. More often than not...

    That's what Mastercard is for!

  15. Once in a while

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