
Spiritually speaking, how can I convert to the Metric System?

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Are there any rituals to preform?




  1. For foot's sake, man!  


  3. Simple really, just double it and add thirty ;)

  4. I would just begin to do everything ***-backward.

  5. Happy are those who were born into it :-D

  6. not just coke.  detroit switched for marketing reasons.  in the 70s they had to stop making gas guzzlers because they were losing their shirts since nobody wanted to buy their cars when gas doubled.  so they made smaller engines but did not want folks used to 350cid engines (5.7 L) to laugh when they offered a "big" 2.0 L engine (122cid).

  7. Yea, verily, thou shalt follow thy heart and thy soul when thou convertest to the Metric System. And the Great Pico doth stated, "Thou shalt follow my directions to convert and be awakened"

    First, thou shalt remove any reminders of the old system. Remove any reference to feet (thou now walkest on two meters, not feet), pounds (if thou are in Great Britain, thou shalt now spend grams and not pounds for currency) and miles (thou shalt trade in the movie "The Green Mile", to be replaced by "The Green 1.6 Kilometers").

    Second, thou shall surround thyself with reminders of the Great Metric System. Books by Billy Graham are preferred.

    Third, cite the holy words 10 times (not 9 or 11, that is not metric). The holy words are "Ampere, Celsius, Gram, Meter, Liter, Second, Kelvin, Mole, Candela"

    These are the holy words of the Great Pico, may they help thee in thy quest to find the truth.

  8. Stand at a 90 degree angle between Jupiter and Mercury on the next luner eclipse.

    Hop an one foot and say "MAMA SAY, MAMA SA, MA-MA COO-SA"

  9. You mean you want to give up the wonder of slugs, hectares, and BTU's? The horror.  

  10. Its not easy, you have to muster up every ounce of resolve, every dram of courage and go that extra mile.  You have to want it like the proverbial carat on a stick.  Even then, its slow and grueling, you will fight for every inch you get.  Its really more than man can fathom.  Its knot a decision for the meek.  Some will claim you're in league with the devil.  In any case, you'll be fighting the standard, and many a gallon of blood has been spilled over this.  But when you're done, and fully metric, you will never be happier.  Because it makes math sooo easy.

    America is the most bass-ackward country because of this.  Unfortunately, the same people who don't want to change, are the ones who break out the calculator for "how many feet in 16 miles?".  They just don't understand.

    two math problems for those people:

    how many:

    feet in 19 miles?

    meters in 27 kilometers?

    which one as easier?

  11. I already did that, people are more impressed with me now that I give my statistics in millimeters instead of inches.

  12. you cant....they said that 20 yrs only happened with coke!!

  13. You must first master rhyme and meter.

    Get it? Meter? I'm hilarious.

  14. One meter at a time.

  15. Yes, there is a ritual.  Do exactly as I did earlier today: search the hardware store for a metric measuring tape (not all that common here in the USA), while murmuring to yourself, "PLEASE let them have a metric tape!  Oh, PLEASE!"  Of course, I was speaking to the store clerk at the time.

  16. One must renounce the unholy ounce, gallon and foot, and forswear the heretical name of Fahrenheit.

    And that's just the start...

  17. lolz

  18. learn to use google

  19. Multiply yourself by 2.54 in every direction.

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