
Spiritually speaking, how can I make my appendages noodly?

by  |  earlier

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May the Sauce be with you!




  1. Stop using them, the muscles will shrivel up before you know it, of course that means no more typing questions or answers here.

  2. Just keep thanking your lord and flavor for your daily pasta. He is as gracious as he is delicious!

  3. Dont pray to god

    He dont do ****.

  4. At my age I'd rather my appendage was al dente or better yet, uncooked.

  5. Char: RAmen!

  6. You must be touched by his noodley appendage.

    TFSMIF! - (Thank The Flying Spaghetti Monster It's Friday!)


  7. You use the same technique as you would to make your own testicles curdle..Thats right its that easy.

  8. Eat saltpeter and watch Golden Girls reruns.

  9. Place in a saucepan of cold water.

    Bring to the boil.

    Simmer for 11 minutes.


  10. If your appendages are stiff and dry, you must cook them according to the package instructions.  If the boiling water hurts, it's proof of the FSM's love.

  11. Boiling...  definitely boiling. Put them in a pot and boil in slightly salty water for about 15 minutes. Your appendages will definitely be noodley...

  12. Get a pasta transplant?

  13. Boil some Ramen Noodles

  14. break all the bones in your arms

  15. Keep eating your pasta.  The FSM will hook you up.

    Can I get a RAmen somebody?



    Here's proof that the FSM exists [credit to Happy Human in another Q]

    LOL...must be Friday!!!

    Where's Twaen?  Where's the camp fire!?

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