
Spiritually speaking, how do you react when someone is rude?

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I have a real problem not being rude back.

What's a good way to react and handle rude people?




  1. Slap them and yell

    "Go bake me a cake, woman!"

  2. It depends on how they are being rude and where.

    Most of the time, I merely look at them indifferently and walk away.

  3. I'm usually rude back.

    But I'd rather be able to restrain myself. You never know what that person has gone through that particular day or this particular year.

  4. I'm rude right back.  I have NO problem with that.

  5. I try very hard to see it as their problem and not to be offended.  In reality I don't always succeed.

  6. sing them a song. It will just weird them out.

  7. If it's a one-time deal, I'll shrug it off. No sense ruffling any feathers.

    If someone's being constantly irritating (ie. talking during a lecture), I will tell them, in no uncertain terms, to shut their face.

  8. Pray for them.  Not for their rudeness, but for their souls.

  9. If you can't bring yourself to being rude, kill them with kindness... they normally can't stand it...

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