
Spiritually speaking, how does this touch you?

by  |  earlier

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Darkness, oppressive, heavy

Then a faint flicker

A tiny flame, wavering

Reaching through the darkness

Though the darkness tries

It can not put it out

Then another flicker

Far in the distance

Another finger of flame

Reaching even further

Igniting yet another flame

The darkness tries

But it can't

It is losing it's hold

More flickers, as flames ignite

Pinpoints of light expanding

Chasing away the oppression

Bringing a weightlessness

Encircling all with warmth

Bringing light, love, and hope




  1. I think I'd rather touch mysel...



  2. It hurt my eyes.

  3. did you write that yourself?

  4. I think is beautiful!

    I love the whole light and dark symbolism!

    I think is beautiful hon, don't listen to what people say here.

  5. It doesn't.  Just empty words that fundies like the sound of.

  6. Well good start in terms of an IDEA but the poetry itself needs work. It is repetitive and the images are fairly ordinary and expected.

    But keep at it. I think you are too much in your head. Write more FROM THE GUT about this experience is my advice.

  7. Certainly is a tough crowd!. It's good I liked it.

  8. I think it's very good.

  9. Seriously, as a connoisseur of Poetry...

    It needs work.

    (Too much emphasis on "fire", et al.)

  10. Your post reminds me of how absolutely positively simple scripture is; for those who have not prejudiced their hearts.

  11. yes, light which cannot be hidden by darkness. Light which multiplies like love.

  12. It doesn't.

  13. its beautiful it feels like to me to be somewhere with your life with a small camp fire on a cold night. believing that everything will be alright because off the warmth

  14. Would you people stop using the assinine phrase "spiritually speaking" which has no logical coherence!

    Blessings upon all who avoid using this trite and stupid construction.

    So how does this affect me? [Artistically,Intellectually, emotionally, physically, or some other mode]

    Artistically:  Starts off like Goth but ends like a stupid Barney the Dinosaur.

    Intellectually: Totally devoid of interest.

    Emotionally: The boredom brought tears to my eyes.

    Physically: I'm suddenly nauseated

    Other modes: no reaction.

    Outside of these relatively minor faults I must declare it a "masterpiece".

    There, hope you are satisfied.

    You should have listened to Jesus "Don't cast your pearls before swine."

  15. /yawn.  

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