
Spiritually speaking, if Obama had ties to a secessionist party, would the media pretty much ignore it?

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How many True Patriots™ have ties to groups like the Alaska Independence Party?




  1. Sure!  And if his daughter was pregnant, James Dobson would come out saying what a wonderful, moral family the Obamas were!

    I love opposite day!!!  Woohooo!!

  2. O'Reilly and Rush would be blanketing the country with any suggestion that Obama had a background connection to such a party.

  3. First of all, why wouldn't you put this in politics and why preface it with spiritually speaking?

    Secondly, the media would eat him alive.  Look at all the attention the rumor of him being muslim has caused even after its been repeatedly denied and the proof shows otherwise.

  4. They are already looking for ways to say that he doesn't put "country first", or that he's not as much a patriotic American as McCain...can you IMAGINE what they would be doing if they found ties to a party that wanted to secede from the U.S.???   Oh my gosh...if they even found that he had an eighth cousin four times removed who had ties to something like that, they'd be on it like flies on p**p.

  5. Or a wacked out former preacher come to that.  And this is the liberal media?  Wright's occasional rants are front page for weeks and Palin's church can try and establish dominionism with nary a passing reference?

  6. If it were Obama, I would have heard it somewhere other than here by now. As it is, this is the only place I've heard it. Stupid witch...Actually, I apologize to any witches-I didn't mean to associate you with such a vile, selfish, two-faced creature that demons spawned!

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