
Spiritually speaking, is hate a purer more honest emotion than love? ?

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It has been said that hatred is the other side of the coin to love. Love can be a very ambiguous thing, whereas hatred is much more direct and honest?

Your thoughts? My musical response with hatred in mind:




  1. Well i suppose it might be, because if you tell somebody you hate them, then that is pretty honest!  but people can lie when they say they love you. And you can hate and love somebody at the same time too, so yeah these two emotions are close together!

    Ermmmm this is a good question, sorry i cant come up with a good answer =(

  2. Hate is not the opposite of love.  Afterall, they are both emotions.

    Apathy is the opposite of love.  And love is a word that overused, after all, its used for advertisements for CAT FOOD.

    True love -- (and no, not loving the whole word and loving everybody, because that's just a load of bull, refer to cat food reference) -- True love for another can be just as intense and passionate as hatred.  When I say true love, i mean being IN love, that feeling.  Not brotherly love and caring for someone, but when you look at someone and your heart swells, just as looking at someone you hate makes you stomach twist and fists clench.

  3. Love is a man-made invention to sell Hallmark cards.  It gives people this crazy idea they matter or something, even though they don't.  Everyone knows that! xD

    Hate is real.  How many "I hate you" cards are at Hallmark?  None!  

    Now you know the conspiracy against mankind.

  4. Agape love is Gods love..........  Our love is conditional.  It is not pure.

    Hate is of satan.....evil

  5. People who hate, secretly loathe themselves.  Therefore, hate is really just an expression of frustration and bitterness.  It is quite dishonest in that respect because it is, in effect, taking one's own frustrations out on other people.

  6. Only when you don't know what true love is.

  7. Both derive from the primitive passions we feel as tiny infants - our passionate feelings about the caregiver who feeds us when they do, and the utter enraged hatred we experience when we don't get that feed and a minute is an eternity when you're two weeks' old and hungry.

    Both emotions can get cluttered up with all sorts of stuff. Indeed, they have to be else we'd never be able to grow up and become part of a social group or an adult relationship, or be parents.  Both emotions can get hijacked by other motivations, rather than just maturing into a more complex, subtle and layered feeling.  So 'love' can get sucked into such things as 'have s*x with me because then I'll believe I'm OK' and hate can become 'you're different and it threatens my fragile sense of self so you're evil'.  Love is no more ambiguous and indirect and less honest than hate, in an average adult.

  8. I don't see how you can get much purer than pure hate.   It is probably the most honest emotion we possess.

  9. no,  hate is pure ego, love is truth

  10. Honesty is more pure than love.

    Love causes people to hurt one another all the time.

    For instance, I love my kids so much that I would take food away from others to make sure they were sustained.  I would do that out of love for my kids, knowing that I was causing others pain and suffering and knowing it was wrong.  But it would be an act of love.

  11. you like fish?? idont

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