
Spiritually speaking, what did the Indian Mujahedeen achieve by set off a number of bombs in Ahmedabad?

by Guest56068  |  earlier

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They claim their next target is Kerela. Spiritually speaking, what will they achieve by bombing Kerala's cities next?




  1. Spiritually speaking they called Al Jinn to their sides that is all they did spiritually.

    Allah said no mischief in the land, not where people live and not where they work... these people are of the most ignorant of terrorist.  Allah will have no mercy on them here or there. All of them from those who made the plans to those they sleep beside, they are all advesaries of each other.

  2. oh god kerala too ....

    me in kerala

    but i have some doubts about this  attacks

    1)this happend after bjp party failed against congress party in   n-deal vote  

    2)THE reason given by  Indian Mujahedeen is revenge to gujrat riots

    3)previous attacks like mecca masjit attack and all those attack  suspects are muslm groups but no one have claimed that they have done the attacks  this case is not yet resolved so we cant tell who did it

    my opinion is that

    1) it is done by brain less terrorusts . i think they havent read the quranc5 v30

    2)this occured after bjp failed so  it may be done by bjp for vote bank

    3)or some reason if itell here they will delete it (some users may get hurt)

    Allah knows what happend  

    i doubt because 1st attack was  done on friday  .i dont think they will not do this things on friday  . i doubt its anthor 9/11 inside job

  3. I dn't know..I just dn't know what the h**l are they doing..

    Are they dumb enough to think that government will get scared when petty poor people die..

    People at lower end are suffering..Pls stop this.If you want to bomb,pls bomb some government high officials..go bomb prime minister or sonia or advani..There are many hifi's over there.Pls spare petty people who are working hard to live each day..

  4. they arent "mujahideen" they are terrorists. Its forbidden in jihad to target civilians.

    They are doing it in revenge for the Hindu slaughter of Muslims in Gujurat and Kashmir -but they shouldnt sink to the Hindus level

  5. Go and check out the first suspect caught named Abdul Haleem and others are on trail soon should be in h**l. COWARDS now hiding.

  6. all terrorists are muslims and they are all puss.ies. if muslims don't liek it in india then they should **** off to pakistan or bangladesh and let the hindus live peacefully.

  7. i heard next target is Mumbai!! but its horrible why are they using the name of Islam in this when all they did was kill innocent people who arent even responsible for what hapened in Gujrat...!!!

    this is madness anything but Ilslamic!

  8. they will achieve fake victory.

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