
Spiritually speaking, what would happen if Obama had a pregnant 17 year daughter?

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Would McCain declare the topic off limits (as Obama has regarding Palin's daughter), or would he use it to score political points with right wing Christians?




  1. Oh well lets be honest, can you imagine the Republican fundies would have a field day 'rolls eyes'.  Her daughters 17 and pregnant it's not the end of the World 'as some people namely media portray' She is keeping the baby and taking responsibility for the baby and so is the father. I wish people would leave them alone that girl is not aiming for the VP it's her Mother 'and I am not a fan of palin'. But I totally agree with you Boris if this was Obamas daughter the media frenzy would be alot worse!.

  2. take the child down to have an abortion- so his kid wouldn't in Obalam's worlds be "punished with a child. "  

  3. I think that accusations of him being a crack smoking bisexual are a lot worse.

    He has admitted to cocaine use... and hasn't even answered the rest.

    There are rumors of Reverend Wright being a flamer too. It goes a long way to explaining his church life, at least, not going there for the sermon.

  4. I think that McCain probably would do the same.  For that matter, many reasonable parents would.  Do you have any idea how many Americans have children out of wedlock?  Do you have any idea how many of them were teens when it happened?  Do you really think parents can control the actions of their 17 year old children?  Do you really think that birth control is 100% effective, especially when used by teens?

    Most of us recall a former president who seemed to have self-control issues of his own in the s*x department (and he was no teen).  Why are liberals being this short-sighted?

  5. Now I'm sorry, but do we really even need to ask? Come on, we know what would happen; he'd use it to his advantage. Too sad, I'm afraid, that politics in our great country has to go to this.

  6. The neo-cons would be throwing stones as usual.

  7. Bush, I mean McCain and all the religious political extremists would be screaming about it to the high heavens! It's the heighth of hypocrisy to exalt a fornicating teenager as a "hero" of the pro-life movement whlile simultaneously demanding that civil rights be removed from law-abiding, taxpaying, g*y Americans.  Radical, anti-g*y activists have never looked more morally bankrupt than they do this year.

  8. McCain would never let any of us forget it.

  9. We would hear the fundies screaming about his liberal politics and bad family values.

  10. He should not give a d**n and talk about how he is going to win a war all say is dammed.

    He'll win right wing everything over then.  

  11. then his daughter would also be out of wedlock.

  12. Republicans would be all over it and calling her a huge s**t. . Blamm seems to think it would reflect on his nomination because of how he raised his family. Why wouldn't that be true for Sarah?

  13. no one would make an issue of it. especially the people who are voting demo.

    the only reason why people are making a big deal about it is because McCain/Paulin support abstinence.

  14. Obama's dope use (he did cocaine) hasn't been made a political issue. McCain also hasn't raised questions about Obama's racist statements such as "White folks greed runs a world in need."

    Obabm's mother was unwed when she had Obama. So no, McCain wouldn't mention that either.

  15. It would just go to prove how irresponsible liberals are, and if he can't show any talent for running his family along good moral lines, how can he possibly be trusted to run a country?

  16. Well McCain certainly would not do what Obama has done.  Obama said that her family should be off limits and to leave them out of this.  You would never get that from the McCain campaign.  The majority of his campaign is gaining votes by making his opponent look bad.  

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