
Spiritually speaking, why all the Fireball hate?

by  |  earlier

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I think I've agreed with her once, but I've never seen her say anything mean or bigoted to anyone. Unless "this is relig here" offends you...

Mocking people and calling them stupid is a bit much, don't you think?




  1. Some people rub others the wrong way. If people want to spend their time targeting one individual then I guess they can choose to do so. Personally, she doesn't bother me. She's never answered one of my questions with the "this is relig" thing and honestly the ones she answers that way are usually stupid questions that everyone else gives mocking answers to as well.  

  2. That's probably the limit of their vocabulary and surely the limit of their maturity.

  3. Some people get jealous because she is born again and will live again. They have not repented.

  4. I agree.  While I don't agree with Fireball, I don't see why people get so worked up about her.  I've never seen her be mean, either.  I don't have a problem with her, personally.

  5. I absolutely agree.  I actually like Fireball.  She doesn't hurt anyone.  She has her opinions, and I seldom agree with them, but she certainly has a right to express them, just like you and I do.

    Thank you for saying this.

    Oh, and Woooo, Pig!  Sooie!  Go Hogs!


  6. I think there must be two of them, as one answers honestly albeit her answers are not always agreeable to me. The other seems to be a troll, who only posts ignorant and hateful answers....There must be two of them, or she has a split personality disorder.  

  7. I don't think people hate Fireball, at least I have not seen it.  However, if she is willing to answer questions as she does, she is going to be mocked, and made fun of by some people. Thats how life is.    

  8. I don't know.. because I don't care. I refuse to waste my time and energy giving attention to people who really aren't contributing to much. I don't pay any attention to those who seek to garner attention.. be it negative or positive it's still attention they seek.

    You know with dogs it's the same.. you just reinforce negative behaviour when you give the dog attention for it.. best to ignore them and teach them that whatever they are doing gets them nothing.. neither negative or positive.. just nothing.

    Too many people waste their time on here giving positive/negative attention to people who are just wasting their time and ours looking to get some sort of reaction out of people.. I won't waste my time.  

  9. I don't think it's good form to call anyone stupid, even if they are.  It's negative.  However, I have been on the ragged edge of self control about responding negatively and angrily to her and others who are so judgemental and hateful behind their imagined shield of religious righteousness.

  10. She is the embodiment of Chrstian ignorance.

  11. Well to start with GO LSU!!! Anyway Fireball has been known to get alot of people fired up here in the land of R&S. So I guess she is getting a little pay back at the moment.

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