
Spiritually speaking, why did god create humans to reproduce like animals?

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i'm not a biologist so i'm assuming all higher animals do that.




  1. If God would have wanted humans to act like animals, he would have provided more b*****s.

  2. But then religion was created to make us feel guilty about it, unlike animals which have not been oppressed in such a way.

  3. we ARE animals.

  4. You're a dill.

  5. gods had nothing to do with our evolutionary development

  6. i heard the dolphins were the only other animals that have s*x for fun? probably because so we could learn different s*x positions from various animals. that will spice up your relationship, you know.

  7. Spiritually speaking, god does not exist, and humans are animals....

  8. God doesn't exist. And technially speaking, human beings are animals.

  9. In response to Matty M's statement, ever heard of bonobos? They often practice s*x for pleasure. As do many other animals. They obviously enjoy it.

  10. Unlike most animals, God made producing enjoyable for humans.  

  11. Last I knew humans are animals.

    Scientific classification

    Domain: Eukaryota

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Primates

    Family: Hominidae

    Genus: Homo

    Species: H. sapiens

    Subspecies: H. s. sapiens

  12. He created us that way, because he didn't like the idea of humans sitting on eggs like birds

  13. that is his way saying " I love you like an animal "  

  14. I always secretly suspected that it's one of God's little jokes. He does have a sense of humor, you know,. There is the verse (somehere; I can't quote chapter and verse as well as some) that says "Then there is that Leviathan,that you created for the sport of it".

  15. because he wanted us to fill the earth.

    this was the best method.

    why didnt he just make many of us?

    because he wantefd more than one generation.

    why did he not make them imortal then?

    because with out fear of death most would never care about him at all.

  16. He ran out of ideas.

  17. actually its nothing like animals. animals are programmed to self proliferate so much to the point where certain animals abandon or eat their own young. to the man and the woman consumation brings about cultivation. we pass down the laws of our God to our children that they may keep them, because this world is rough and because we love them we give them the resources and tools to keep their sanity, something far beyond anything in the animal kingdom.  

  18. As the Bloodhound Gang put it "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

    So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel "

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