
Spiritually speaking, why do people talk about "the best thing since sliced bread" ?

by Guest44776  |  earlier

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Sliced bread is minging!

Cobs, or a freshly-baked loaf, always taste much nicer than sliced bread.




  1. hum, sliced bread. what a novel idea !

  2. But if you don't happen to have a bread knife, you can't make a sandwich.  

  3. Sliced bread is what?

    It's difficult to make a sandwich with an unsliced loaf.

  4. It takes too much effort to find the latest thing greater than sliced bread and proclaim it the new benchmark.

  5. Well, spiritually speaking, i'd say its because people used to have to slice the bread themselves and would get crumbs everywhere, so when manufacturers invented pre-sliced bread it became a very common term for something that people believe is very helpful in this fast paced day and age.

  6. That reference is giving kudos to the advent of the knife (something new, innovative and making life easier)- not the directly the bread  whereas before you had to tear the bread to serve it.

    When we break bread, it is a reference to the way bread was shared amongst people during the meal time, which was usually when all the folks gathered themselves together to talk of the day's happenings, worship, etc...

  7. The best thing since o****m

    i got that from a pawn website.

  8. You are right, fresh baked bread is much better, but the phrase refers to the convenience factor.

  9. Sliced Bread? s***w that! You need CANNED BREAD!

    Squidward: "Ahh...intensive...I bet they won't have...ah...they have it...CANNED BREAD!"

    Spongebob Squarepants

  10. I prefer the squishy, cheap, discount white sliced bread myself.  Calls to my childhood.

  11. I always say "The best thing since the Big Bang."

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