
Spiritually speaking, will I be forgiven by my fellow R&Sers if I choose a new user name and avatar?

by  |  earlier

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(Assuming you even care, of course.)

I'm tired of being monstrous and want something softer and more friendly.




  1. As long as you let us know who you are!

    You could get a s**y avatar like mine!

  2. I love you just the way you are :-)

    Is there any way you can add audio to your avatar so it plays  "Boris the Spider"?

  3. aawww boris thats a shame that you feel anyoen would be offended by your changing

    of course youll be forgiven, change away, its entirely your choice , no one elses

    you feel more softer and frienddly, thats who you shoudl portrey, i have changed mine several times, to what i felt at the time

    cant wait to see your new one


  4. I think the monstrous look suits you, but if you'd like to switch, switch!

  5. Go for it zipper necked one. Why not just change your avatar?

  6. Blasphemy!!!!!!!!!

  7. Completely upta you man,I like the(I asume)Boris Karloff refrence. Bit of a Horror Buff. Cheese it Breezy

  8. Sure, you are still as sweet! Clarabelle will be great!

    On second thought, Boris is great, and we've all come to love seeing Frankenstein on this board! Love ya' back, ignorance slayer!

  9. As long as your new name and avatar does not Boris.

    May I suggest the name Bubbles LaVerne.

  10. Spritually speaking - while I honor your right to choose (and everyone else's) it would be sad to see that face go. It brightens my day. And I love the name Boris.

    But make yourself happy - if you're not happy, how can we be happy for you?  

  11. Sure, you can. And I care. Just let us know who you are. But remember Halloween is coming up.

    Just thought of something. How about a new hair cut and some new clothes. You know what they say clothes make the man.

  12. A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.

  13. Forgiven...

    <<<Since I changed mine to this, people treat me nicer.

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