
Spiritually speaking, would a loving creator allow this to happen?

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And what reason would there be any more for this?




  1. Lol! No loving God could allow that...

  2. Face it theists. There is no god.

  3. What have his birthday?

  4. Only in the US can a poor black man become a rich white woman and stay out of prison for child molestation .

  5. I really don't care about the state of Mr. Jackson's life.  He had plenty of opportunity to have lived a rich, fulfilled, and Christian life and simply turned his back.

    There are millions and millions of poor, sick, starving, and illiterate children in this world.  Mr. Jackson claims that he loves the children.  But he has done little more than invite a few to his home for his own pleasure.

    The great Mr. Jackson can go pound sand - spiritually speaking.

  6. Look God created man, and we are given a chance as to what path we may take. We are not here to judge anyone, although, our human nature would love to say how we feel about M. Jackson.

    But I don't understand how M. Jackson birthday has to do with our loving creator? God didn't make this male to look like this, he chose it himself.

    His lipstick sure was red wasn't it!

  7. god gave us freedom did he not

  8. God can heal sick minds too.

  9. Jesus loves Michael Jackson unconditionally, he is a child of God too.  

    It is sin that is at the root of all our problems including Michael Jackson's.

    God bless Michael Jackson on his birthday may he come to know you in a greater measure, in Jesus Name.  Amen.

    God bless you.

  10. This man is not just a victim of abuse, he is also a perpetrator of abuse.

    Pathetic deluded little boy.

  11. The Creator gave us free will.  So here we are, s******g it all up.  Not His's ours.  Who said that this was -- or should be -- Heaven, anyway?  

  12. Well, God created a cute little black kid a long time ago called "Michael Jackson". But sometime in the late 80's, he started getting messed up - don't know why.  

  13. God did not cause this!!! He gives us the freedom of choice, and while He is the good power, Satan is also powerful, and he is the Prince of the World.  I think that he is the one who causes so much pain and suffering, and we just have to trust and have faith in God!!

    Blessings :)

  14. i bet god tryed to stop it but the worldly possesion just took him and god is still trying to hsow him hes there quietly calling his name he just wouldnt listen

  15. The Creator makes each human being and gives us plenty of reasons for living. Our lives our our own to mess up or give to God's for his greater glory. Our choices.. our decisions.

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