
Spiritually speaking: If god didn't want us to...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike christians...why did he make them so delicious?




  1. i have the same question about babbys.

  2. Is there a 1980's song I can use to answer this with?

    However, anybody who wishes to rid society of John Hagee and friends can't be bad.  

  3. Yeah but too many of them will make you fat!

  4. For the same reason he made ketchup. To give us something to look forward to for dinner.

  5. The lions in Rome thought them highly delicious unless they'd just eaten or suffered indigestion.

  6. Who have you been sleeping with this time? Do I even want to know?


  7. Just as well im not christian then :)

  8. christians are a bit cold blooded

    try the catholics, they have a taste to die for!


  9. um...okay...u need to get out more...!

  10. They are not all delicious. Some are old, and very tough.

  11. You're bound to find a sour one eventually. And yes I do know what you mean. Hope you don't suffer too much after it's eaten.

  12. You seriously need a woman.

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