
Spiritually speaking: Is there anything more embarrassing than falling over?

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  1. Last year, I fell I split my knee open, bruised my elbows and hands. I was mortified!

  2. Yes, I was in the Army for several years....we had showers were as many as 8 guys would shower....try slipping and falling down while Naked in front of everybody.....HAHAHA

  3. Falling into mud and getting your pants dirty.

  4. Spiritually speaking?  wot like tripping over a shadow or falling off the wagon and going against your religion?????? or going to church and falling face first bum up while walking up to the microphone to make a speech on the ten commandments??

  5. Oh, take it easy, these people did, i am sure :)

  6. Nothing more embarrassing and nothing funnier either!

  7. This is the most spiritual question I've ever seen!

    You're deep!  What other spiritual matters are in that big, beautiful brain of yours???

    I'm Atheist!

  8. yeah.. making a speech with toilet paper hanging out of your fly is pretty embarrassing

  9. Chick how about getting to heaven only to find you're God.

  10. There's always room for Jell-o pudding, spiritually speaking.

  11. instead of falling down, you fall up.

    "WTF! Where did physics go?"

    happens to me a lot often in public places.

  12. Yeah, being trapped as an audience to my drunken boss as he acts like a 44-year old frat house boy, spewing vulgar comments about women while he's in a blackout.

  13. Last year I flipped backwards when I hit an icy patch on the steps of my  veranda into a pile of snow  (I flipped backwards on to a pile of snow>

    I wasn't embarrassed , I was angry that no one came out to help me when all were home. They had the TV and the Music and all you can

    think of on. and never heard.

    I had to crawl up the steps and bang on the door in a crawling position

    Finally one of my kids came and got all to help me. get into the house and into  bed.


    Falling over isn't embarrassing, its problematic and can be very dangerous.


  14. Yep, crapping your pants

  15. Yup, being found mocking when you stand spiritually naked before Jwesus!

  16. Not knowing yourself

  17. Yep.  Taking your partners hand and walking off and promising him all sorts of tantalising things when you get home only to realise it isnt your partner but just some srange man who had been standing next to you at the shop window and that your partner is standing 50 yards away laughing their heads off.

    THATS embarrassing!!

  18. Bending over and then breaking wind ^_^

  19. Embarrassing would be falling over and as you roll around in self pity you miss your maker, who just happens to be walking pass at the exact same moment.  

  20. Forgetting to zip your flies up and doing up the little button on your boxer shorts - both at the same time.

  21. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn't see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn't sleep through class. He hadn't been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn't my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, "Sorry, I thought you were my fiance." His reply? Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said "It's all good."

  22. LOL Well falling over and showing your underwear has to be worse surely ?

  23. i gained 3 lbs on holiday

  24. haha yes!!!

    in year 8 at school, i had a whole year where i kept falling down the stairs!!

    never lived it down lol i hate it

  25. yeah i had been to the ice cream van and on the way back i saw a guy i fancied on his skateboard and i was watching him then i fell over the curb and ended up with ice cream all over my face.

    now that's embarrassing...

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