
Spiritually speaking: What is the best way to prepare a babby sandwich?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried it with bacon and ham, which was very good, but my plain babby and bread recipe i getting old.

Dopes anybody know a good recipe?




  1. First, you have to find a babby -- whatever that is.

  2. What is a "babby?" i've never heard of it before.

  3. The very idea!

    I am SO glad that I am a theoretical vegetarian....blech!!!

  4. Raw and wiggly. Or so I hear. Use lots of horseradish sauce as they are quite gamey.

  5. keep it healthy

    bake it and just use the white meat and substitute a little avocado for mayonaise

  6. have you tried a honey mustard sauce with pickles?

  7. Babby on a bun, with mustard, ketchup, pickles, lettuce, and tomatoes.

    Or a Peanut Babby and Jelly sandwich.

    A Cheese Babby.

  8. Have you asked this question over in the food area?  They might be able to give you some recipes.........

  9. Use your wild imagination, my friend.

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