
Spiritually speaking - Who Are You ?

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or atheistically speaking too




  1. Magic Being. get it?? ha ha ha

  2. Spirituality is a word and a concept and none on earth could reach this goal.

  3. I hope im nice

    i try to be a good person

  4. I am the son of my father and my mother.

    Actually, I think I am the son of my father, I cant tell for sure, can I ? ;-)

  5. Spiritually speaking " I am You "  

  6. A being (experiencer) in time (can make choices) and have in my substance a spirit, soul and body - and who knows perhaps some other substance I am only dimly aware of...

  7. elements arose from the earth and formed a single living cell. these cells added on and formed a multi-cellular organism. within this organism, a complex culmination of reactions took place and electrical impulses shot throught it and now we call it life. a disruption or imbalance in these reactions is illness, an end to it is death.

    now, since the earth is born of the sun and we are born of the earth, i am stardust.

  8. I be, what I be. I would tell you what you want to know if I could, but I be a cat. And no cat anywhere, ever gave anyone a straight answer.


  10. I have devoted my life to know my real nature.

    It is under ivestigation and the process is going on.


  12. I am me....a fluke of the universe.  

  13. I'm a post conventional thinker.  Oh by the way I'm also very humble.  

  14. its the question which every human being wants to know . he or she is the person made by the god to fulfil the role on this earth and to return to him

  15. Soul

  16. How many people think spiritually-who I am

    Most are interested in grabbing something on this earth which they can not take with them

    How many ponder over their thought and action

    Satyam- Shivam- Sundaram

  17. A pixel in the grand picture of God ; a cell in the body of God .

  18. I am seated in the high places with Jesus Christ, I am of the Royal priesthood, an ambassador for Jesus christ in this world!

  19. I am a firm believer in Christ. Not in just who He is, but what He did for me. So who does that make me? :)

  20. The spawn of my parents getting their freak thing on.

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