
Spiritually speaking: Why are Christians so afraid of Satan when they have an almighty God on their side?

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I dont get why so many Christians are so afraid of Satan. They also believe that Satan makes them do bad things.

If God is allmighty and you have God on your side, why should Satan even be a factor in your religion? God is clearly much stronger than Satan, therefor there is no need for you to even fight against Satan or his influences.

Why are you scared of him?




  1. This exact doctrine is taught in the Bible, so you may assume that those who say such things have not yet heard the whole story, or they are simply falling for their fleshly fears. It is not proper to blame Satan for your own decisions. You know good and you know evil, and you make the choice everyday. Therefore, evil is in your life only by your direct invitation. Satan is not to be feared. God is to be feared.

  2. I am a christian and I am not afraid of satan. He has no power over me. Any one calling themselves a  christian who thinks that satan makes them do bad things, well I guess that they forgot that they are the one who is making that choice. They give satan all the credit, when it's their choice to do right or wrong. It's sickening to me when they want to blame their 'lack of self-control' on anyone but themselves! Oh, well! I've stated my thoughts on this. Good day.

  3. The Bible tells us not to fear and many Christians have gone through harrowing experiences because of satanic attack and they have become stronger and overcame much fear in the process.

    It's so easy for non-Christians to put down Christians when they know nothing about the faith walk.  Satan and his co-horts are always looking for a way to attack if possible.  However, we are taught how to have peace of mind and to overcome everything.

    I should have been in an insane asylum because of what I went through but I came out stronger.  Still going thru some things but the Lord blessed me significantly.

    The devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  Christians taste better to him than anyone btw.

  4. God is not partial. Satan is harmful to not only Christians, but to all. If God helps only Christians, then he is partial. But God helps anyone who wants to lead a clean life. Christians are not afraid of Satan; they are just careful not to fall prey to his tricks.

  5. Your first paragraph isn't based upon fact - it's based, only, upon your lack of acquaintance with any Christians.  

    Your second paragraph states Biblical truth, as it applies to Christians, in part A of the question you ask - "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world". (I John 4:4) - additionally, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind". 2 Timothy 1:7.

    Religion isn't the, appropriate, word:  relationship (with God through Jesus) is.

    Satan tempted Jesus so why would I be exempt?  I depend upon prayer and ask God's Holy Spirit, indwelling me, to do the fighting for me.   There is no fear which can overtake me as I belong to God and am seated in the heavenly realms through Christ Jesus - see Ephesians, chapter 2.

    It's those who don't belong to God who need to fear satan as he leads his followers into everlasting death and, if you're not For God, you are For Satan.  God created you with free will - you must decide where to place your trust.    

  6. In one way I shouldn't even answer this question because though I am a Christian I am not afraid of satan.   He is irritating, sure, but fear?  No, as you said Christ took care of that at the cross.  

    Your question, though, asks if he should even be a factor in our religion, so here's where I felt that I needed to answer.   Whether you chose to believe in him or not, we as Christians deal with the father of lies daily. According to our Bible, he is only here to steal, kill, and destroy.  He takes pleasure in getting at God's people if he can because he knows it hurts God.  (Simply put...)  

    We are given specific ways to defeat him.  This is war, not just a pleasant walk in the park.  Once you become a Christian, whether you know it or not, you are at war, a spiritual war.  You're given tools and knowledge of how to use those tools.  You're given knowledge of the enemy's plan and you are expected to fight.  

    Yes, God is so big he could wipe satan out in a sneeze.  But He chose to use us because He created us to be with Him.  If at the garden he simply banished satan to h**l (or whatever) there would have been no you and me to discuss these things.  Maybe you like that idea, but you're not in charge here and neither am I!  

    The plan was simple, to create people who would choose Him, not just obey because they had to.  Satan decided he wanted to be God and got involved.  Man chose wrongly and from that point, separation from God began.  

    We are given a choice in all things, including whether or not to fight.  But understand, too, that just like children, we learn and grow daily.  We don't just wake up one day with all knowledge and understanding.  Just because someone doesn't understand things like this doesn't mean they won't, it means they don't today.  We grow in Christ, this process is protected by grace, another fine subject!

    Have a great day!  

  7. technically speaking, christians fear being separated from God.  

    after you die, to whom would you entrust your immortal soul ?

    good luck

  8. I'm not scared of satan. "Greater is He that is in me (Jesus), then he that is in the world (satan)." 1 John 4:4

    satan is a liar, a deceiver, and a tempter so we need to be aware of his wiles but there is no need to fear him or his demons. He cannot touch me with God's permission.

  9. Some may be, due to misunderstanding.

    It is not a fear, but the mature Christian knows the victory is in God alone, and that by ourselves we will fail.

    To say we do not need to fight him or his influences goes counter to what the scriptures say.

    We resist him by submission to God. This works.

  10. Uh...because he's scary and evil and deceives?

    God may be on my side, but that doesn't make me immune to Satan.

  11. satan has no power over the Christian... rebuke him and it's done, period... if, on the other hand you let satan tempt you then you have lost that power over him... God gives you the choice... satan has dominion over the earth and is very good at bringing down the hardest working Christians... he has no need or desire to mess with the non believers for they are lost and will do his bidding without provocation and as long as they do not come to God then they are going to feel safe for now... it's all in revelations... satan can and will break your bond with our Lord so be aware of him in all his forms... you can see him in the nicest people too if you look hard enough... those that fear satan  do so because their bond is weakened...

  12. Because God is on holiday right now ?  

  13. The Bible tells us to be watchful for the workings of the devil. He goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he may destroy.

  14. Because the Bible tells us to fight against the wiles of the devil.  We have to pray and fight all the time.  If you are interested in finding out these things, read the Bible for yourself.  (Most Christians don't do that and can't answer you very well.)

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