
Spiritually speaking.. Why are people so anally retentive about grammah and stuff?

by  |  earlier

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I mean i can understand if the person is being blatantly lazy and uses text speak lyk dis..

but if its just a minor error why are people so critical? is it really THAT big a deal to jump on them and question their inteligence?




  1. I'm going to assume that right there was intentional, and have a nice laugh about it :P

  2. some are full of themselves. Youre so right. I skip apostrophes to save time. We dont get paid for this. I was a secretary for 7 yrs.

  3. I can handle the poor grammar (barely), but why on earth do people misspell things?   I mean, Y!A provides a spell checker, for God's sake.

  4. well if you are too retarded to spell "grammah" then yes i view you as ignorant trash

  5. Well it's important to know how to speak your own language, for goodness sake!

  6. Because they can.

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