
Spiritually speaking did you know, there was a poll in the USA a few years ago asking?

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who the best ever American was?

And the majority of the USA voted as the best ever American... Jesus.

Any thoughts?





  1. (facepalm)

  2. Jesus H Christ those people are thick. Everyone knows Jesus was from Australia.

  3. The war has just begun. We will retake our country from these silly fundies.

  4. um..Jesus never lived in America....

  5. people are stupid.

  6. I know Jesus. Jesus Gomez. He's North American. (Mexico IS part of the same continent, people. Jeez, the arrogance of US'rs...)

  7. Source?

    If true, it doesn't surprise me.

  8. LOL.

  9. WHOA!! thers a lack of education for a lot of christians in our country!

  10. The majority of america is christian, and Jesus was one of the options (for some stupid reason). So what do you think.

  11. Actually, it was Ronald Reagan. Nice try, though.

    EDIT: Since "jesus best american" turns up absolutely nothing relevant on Google, I'd like to see a record of when and where this poll took place. Otherwise, I'm calling shenanigans.

  12. That just shows how stupid a majority of americans are......sad really.

  13. I'm not bragging. I'm actually ashamed to say this. But you do realize at least 50% of our population has an IQ under 100, right? The American school system, sadly, sucks. And we have entirely too much Jesus for our own good.

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