
Spiritually speaking do any of you live in the path of hurricane Gustaf?

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Please take care and know we are praying for you.




  1. Not the most likely path now but one of the models still puts him through here later next week.  I am praying for the people in the path...and praying it doesn't turn southwest as it hits the coast and pay a visit to south Texas a couple of days later!

  2. I wish the hurricane would hit me here in Florida and wash me away. But sadly that sucker seems bent on going to Louisiana.  

  3. its just gunna rain here but everything will be fine hopefully

    I'm just scared for the new orleans people

  4. Thank you for your prayers.

    My family lives in Mobile and Gulfport. We are on the east side of the storm. We are more concerned about the tornadoes that may spin off the main storm.

    God has seen us through many storms, and He will see us through this.

  5. West coast of Florida,in Sarasota...We have been receiving sporatic winds and rain,but nothing major...We have been fortunate on many occassions,in avoiding a direct hit.....God Bless you and the team.

  6. Not only Gustav, but Hannah on his path!

    My parents live in Livingston Parish, about halfway between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, and I appreaciate your prayers for them! They're far enough north that they haven't had a mandatory evacuation order, yet, so for now, they're bunkered down in the nursing home where my mother works. If the mandatory evacuation order goes out for their parish, however, my parents will stay until all the patients at the nursing home are evacuated, then come north.

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