
Spiritually many cats does one have to live with to be considered a ?

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crazy cat lady/man?

2? 5? 10? 20?




  1. HOOOOOOOOOOOW is this a spiritual question?

  2. It's not the physical number of cats living with her..  it's the relationship she has with them.

  3. When you get to five you should get very very worried.

  4. 7 i think

  5. I have three, two of which are lesbians. I don't even want to know what that makes me.

  6. I'm going with more than 5.  Otherwise my wife is there, and dragging me with her.

  7. I'm gonna have to go with one.

  8. spiritually speaking? One cat can do it, if it tells you how to lead your life.

  9. I have 2, so it has to be more than 2 ;)

    When my son moves out and goes to college and the number starts to increase, I'll let you know when I have reached crazy cat lady status.

    If it gets over 25 then I will have hit it I think.

  10. I think regardless of the number of cats a person has living with them, when it negatively impacts your attention to personal grooming, you've crossed the line.

  11. I think there are grades.

    Eccentric Cat Lady - 5

    Crazy Cat Lady - 8+

  12. cat man??

    at the risk of sounding sexist.... I've never heard that term before.

    Let me check my sources (which of course consist of the crazy cat lady upstairs and the crazy bunnie lady across the street).. and O, the men have the market on pigeons. For some reason they like pigeons. I think it's because they go so will with .22's ;)

  13. Four or more.

    But you have to live alone. It doesn't work if you are married and have 4 cats and 2 dogs, for instance.

  14. It's not some many live cats you have as much as it is the cut out felt cats ironed onto an ugly old taupe sweater. I worked with her.

  15. My grandmother had about 70 at one time. All were outside cats and she lived on a farm. But that is indeed excessive and deserving of the term "cat lady". She really didn't seem crazy, she just couldn't be cruel to any stray and eventually people figured out if they dropped a pregnant cat off at her house she would make sure it got fed at least, so they wouldn't have to feel guilty about abandoning it to die.

    I recently learned she was secretly a Pagan, BTW. That blew me away... other than me, my entire extended family is religious zealots from Holy Rollers (literally) to JW's. At least I THINK they are... hmmm, maybe we all just keep it secret?

    Unfortunately, my sister seems to have inherited the cat lady gene but lives on the edge of town. She has 10 or 15 now. She is Lutheran, BTW.

  16. There is no specific number, but a rule of thumb is at least 5 more than you can take care of properly.  I've seen someone who needed 2 - yes, TWO - cats removed from her home; and another who keeps over 100 without a problem (she has people helping).

  17. I think that after 5 you start to get on very shaky ground.

  18. "Crazy cat man" and "crazy cat woman" are not spiritual or religious labels.  There is no correct answer to this question.

  19. i live with three, and my family hasn't started to worry yet, so i think i'm okay.

  20. Just 1. It only takes 1 cat to overrun your life.

  21. its not the number of cats it is what attributes that the person attribute to the cats.  

  22. 100. The papers never mention less than a hundred. Plus your house must be filled with f***s and dead cats.

    Never heard of a cat man myself.

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