
Spiritually speaking how would you handle this situation?

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A "christian" I am presuming lady came up to me in the grocery store and attacked me verbally because she said I was overpopulating the world with all my childbearing. First of all I do have 7 children currently.




  1. If you can afford to support and feed your 7 children then I do not see the issue...perhaps you should explain this to her...

  2. I would tell her to shut the h**l up and mind her own business

  3. Tell her you have brought 7 souls into this World who could one day potentially find a solution to the overpopulation problem.  

  4. I don't care about the details. If you have 7 children, you are contributing to over-population.

    EDIT: So, you only bore 4. You are contributing to over-population. Stop having children.

  5. Eh, verbally attacking any random person is rather unacceptable. Just try to get away from her, and if she won't leave you alone, try to find a manager or something. If you start screaming back, you'll just look equally stupid.

  6. I'd have told the old bat to mind her own business.

    Then I would tell her she is using up valuable resources by living too long, she needs to take care of that first before she judges others.

    (Not really, but it would be funny)

  7. What is man the you should fear them.  Who cares what she said.  If she acted like that and is claiming to me a Christian then she is living a LIE.  True Christians don't act that way.

  8. I'd tell her to ---- off. That has to be the worst argument there is. It obviously is not a christian, but some lib-tard weirdo.

  9. I would try to just ignore it and stay level-headed, even though I've got quite a temper. It really bothers me that some people say Christians are trying to control women's reproductive rights, but when we have several children, that is just selfish and must be stopped. Truly hypocritical.

    I don't think you are even contributing to overpopulation, anyway. The birthrate (especially in Europe) is going down at a pretty fast rate nowadays.

  10. God Bless you............and more so everyday.

    Don't you wonder what makes certain people tick?

    A person's works done out of Love and Charity are in themselves called "works of Faith" for unless we have faith we would not be inspired by the Grace of God to do the works , but it is the Charity of Christ that impels us (Romans 15:30) to imitate Christ Himself.  

  11. She has a point...

    Who's bashing?  Assuming they are all your biological kids, don't you think it's a bit irresponsible to burden the planet with more than 3 times the number that would maintain a stable population?

    Of course, if you're fostering/adopting, then that's a good thing.

    Though quite what it's got to do with religion I have no idea

  12. I would say God bless you and then walk away. Better to leave than have it escalate into something more in my view.


    BTW, I happen to be the last out of seven children. =)

  13. Pray for her dear soul and be patient. In the future, tell her that if it is over populated where she is at, she should move. 90% of the population lives within 100 miles of the coastline. Vast parts of the United States are called flyover country because nobody is living there (or hardly living there).

  14. You tell her quite politely that this overpopulation nonsense stems directly from greed and selfishness, which are grievous sins according to the Word of God.  The world is not overpopulated, we have enough food to feed the world's population four times over, what we have is a problem with the distribution of resources and greedy people who take more than their share.

    Then tell her you'll pray for her, smile sweetly and walk away.

    ((FSF))   =]

  15. If you group her with the Christians..  is it ok to group you with the trailer trash, sleep with anything women who are on welfare and don't know the meaning of working cause they are too busy having s*x to peek outside the door and see the world beyond Jerry Springer? Yawn.

    I'm sure she was a *****, leave her in the old ***** category.

  16. Why would I bash you, even if they were all yours and you had 15.

    Anyways if she was Christian I would have told her "The Lord God said go forth and populate the earth.

    With people like you, I see a glimmer of hope for this place called earth.

    may the Deity I worship bless you for many years.

  17. That's horrid. I'm sorry that happened. People and Christians are thoughtless and mean at times. It sounds like you are a very caring person to have adopted and foster kids and she had no rights to judge you even if she had known the circumstances. God loves children and you're serving Him by taking on so much. I think you should have just ignored it, walked away and forgiven her, but I'm not sure I could have done it.

  18. I would have told her why don't you ask your own mother that as she gave Birth to you, then I would have told yes the World is Over populated with self righteous opinionated fools who who approach strangers ranting what they know nothing about to fulfill there own Ego's. Then I would have told her what is my Business is No Concern of Yours!.

    'That would be my polite version in answer to that stupid person'.

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