
Spiritually speaking if someone refuses to look at real verifiable evidence instead of listening to an ?

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ignorant professional liar does that mean they have too much chlorine in their gene-pool ?;_ylt=A0WTcZGr_LhIM60Amwrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080829214812AA4HhsZ&show=7#profile-info-7exJWMNgaa




  1. There is no evidence or facts, just thoughts. Just ideas because people refuse to believe that there is someone greater than all of us. And how is that spiritually speaking? Because you really can't explain it and expect me to just believe that we appeared out of nowhere. I have my faith and that's all I need. It's kinda fun watchin all you evolutionists try and make sense of the world we live in. If you just take a good look around you then you'll realize that this cannot be just chance. Observe your own body and thank God you are still breathing. He gave you that mind to do with as you please and you turn around and just slap Him in the face. And He loves you just as much as He loves me. You will realize it one day.

  2. When the Kool-Aid's pH is out of balance, some folks suffer delirium.

  3. Only if chlorine selectively kills off smart people.


  4. That could be part of the problem :P

  5. Something like that. There's no lifeguard for the gene pool, you know.

  6. No, it means their ancestors should have been kicked out of the gene pool for weeing in the shallow end.

  7. In response to LT- I believe in God with all my heart and I also use the brain He gave me. You know the old saying "God helps those who help themselves"? You can't just walk around this world and be blind to what it tells us (and I mean that literally). Open up your mind and learn everything you can about the world/dimension we live in.  

  8. Something like that.

    Of course, you are assuming that there is anything between their ears to process what you want them to listen to.  

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