
Spiritually speaking since we are all supposed to have equal rights under the law ?

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If a law is passed banning marriage for one group shouldn't it be automatically extended to all groups ? If we are all guaranteed equality shouldn't we have it ? The same for any other rights as well I should think if you remove someones rights for race, creed or sexual orientation it should be done for all .

If we ban homosexual marriage doesn't that mean we should Ban heterosexual marriage as well ?




  1. Homosexuals have exactly the same right to marriage that heterosexuals to: to wit: they are allowed to marry one person of the opposite gender who is of legal age.

    It is SOCIETY not RELIGION that has defined marriage.  If SOCIETY rather than liberal courts decide homosexuals should be allowed to marry, then so be it.

    For those who support homosexual marriage, do you also support polygamy?

    HERE HERE, let's reiterate, MARRIAGE is NOT a right, it's a privelege.  SOCIETY has deemed to give PRIVELEGE to certain relationships over others.  SOCIETY not courts should make the changes to this compact.

  2. Every American does have equal rights under the law.  Homosexuals want to CHANGE the law to suit themselves.  Any homosexual in this country can get married, just as any other citizen can.  But that is not enough.  They want to change what the word "marriage" means, legally.   They want to destroy the meaning of the word.  Most Americans don't want this to happen.  

  3. You should ban heterosexual divorce, ban infertile couples from marriage.

    The list goes on and on.

  4. be fair g**s can marry the opposite s*x just the same as everyone else.  So that's where that principle breaks down.

  5. In all honesty, I have to say that it does seem unfair.  I do understand where you are coming from.  However, being a Christian and believing that marriage is a HOLY man, one woman, united before God.  If God says it is me that is the end of the discussion.  

    God doesn't compromise.  He says "this is right" and "this is wrong" and being a Christian, I must accept what He says lest I offend God.

  6. No. Because marriage ISN'T a right. Its a qualified privilege, just as a driver's license is, just with different qualifications.

    Besides, your way, whats the reason to deny the vote or marriage to under 18 year olds ? Many rights and privileges have limits, based on compelling societal reasons. Few rights are unqualified. You don't get to yell fire in a crowded theater, even though you do have the right to free speech.

  7. If we ban homosexual marriage doesn't that mean we should Ban heterosexual marriage as well ? No not at all

    Government defines marriage as one women and one male.

    Not multiple partners nor same s*x partners.

  8. the bigots aren't interested in equality

    bigots seem to think that heteros are immune to many things

    edit: same-s*x marriage is about the same-s*x not the opposite s*x - what the bigots are suggesting is the same as saying that a bigot should marry a bigot of the same s*x

    edit2: homosexual stuff occurs through the animal world which disproves the nonsense about it being unnatural

    "homosexual" was coined in 1869

  9. nope

    according to most straight white christians they are immune to everything. so they think that its ok to deny rights to one group of people, because nobody will deny them their rights

  10. The constitution guarantees people to the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." They have a constitutional right to be happy and we should not deny them that.

    [Think about all the divorce rates g*y marriage will bring]

    And? Look at the high divorce rate that straights have.

    It wouldn't do much harm. Straight couples can got to Las Vegas and have 3 day just for fun marriages but a g*y couple who are dedicated to each other cannot have a marriage?

    [ be fair g**s can marry the opposite s*x just the same as everyone else. ]

    Well to be fair, you have the right to be a red head just the same as everyone else.

    [Government defines marriage as one women and one male.]

    No, religion defines marriage as one woman and one male. Marriage should be between two constenting adults who love each other.

    [For those who support homosexual marriage, do you also support polygamy?]

    If it is between consenting adults then yes, who are you to decide how others should live their lives?

    [Homosexual acts are entirely unnatural.]

    Wrong, homosexual acts do appear throughout nature and the animal kingdom.

  11. First, there should be a distinction made as to a "legal" marriage and a "religious marriage". The law, by definition, has nothing to do with religion. The law is meant to protect all people regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Its hard to make an argument that g*y men & women should not be allowed to legally marry without injecting religion or some specific groups version of morality into the argument.

    If someone is against g*y marriage they probably shun g**s and don't know any. How will they notice or be negatively impacted when strangers to them become married? What give the bigots the right to decide how others lead their personal lives? There's no justification in the constitution or the law. Politicians would not be so much against g*y marriage if religious factions in the country, whose votes politicians rely on, weren't bent on controlling the lives of those around them.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against religion. I think many churches do great charity work and enhance the lives of their parishioners. However, no single group of people have the right to decide how everyone else should live their personal lives. The country has a separation of church & state, this point seems to be increasingly forgotten. It can effect everyone negatively. What if, based on Christina teaching, it was a crime to have pre-marital s*x. Would you like people snooping on your bedroom behavior, locking you up for a year if you got caught? I don't think so. I believe some misinterpret the Christian phrase "Love thy neighbor" to be "Judge they neighbor". Christian teachings are around loving, supporting, and forgiving those around you - not judging and controlling those around you.

    The questioner makes a good point. Perhaps if marriage is not available to some it should not be available to any. Or, what if straight couples were given the opportunity to marry a same s*x person, but not the opposite s*x,  would they than have equal rights as some answers have suggested in the converse?

  12. And then have husbands and wives running around having s*x with unknown strangers?  We should just extend the legality of heterosexual marriage to homosexual marriage.  As well as polygamy, of course assuming all participants in the polygamist family are consenting.  Thankfully, in Canada it's legal, and my uncle finally got married.  Though he and his boyfriend always were married in spirit... now it's in the legal context.

  13. Actually you've got it backwards.  There is no "ban".  The legal definition of marriage is a husband & wife.  The homosexuals are the ones who want to change that.  Even the dictionary defines marriage as husband & wife.

    mar·riage   Audio Help   /ˈmærɪdʒ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mar-ij] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun 1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.  

    2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.  

    3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.  

    4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage.

  14. I think that's the main fear though - if a heterosexual couple who is not a member of a particular church is allowed to marry in it, why can't a homosexual couple that is not a member of that church be married in it?...for those protestant churches that are really into the "marriage business", it is a real fear....they honestly do believe (the future being unknown) that they will be forced either by the courts or by the communities they are in to actually marry g*y you know how to assure them other-wise?

    You can't just say it won't happen, the ACLU has them on the run everywhere else; even if it's true the ACLU can do nothing to them, it'll be a hard time convincing them otherwise...

  15. So if you ban smoking weed, shouldn't that mean that smoking tobacco is also illegal.  We should be able to put whatever we want into our mouths

  16.   Homosexual acts are entirely unnatural.  .Be happy that God accepts you the way you are.  .If you think normal people will ever accept your  abnormalities you are mistaken  There is no sin in God's eyes but there are poor choices which have earthly consequences, The acts of homosexuals represent   poor choices but are correctable.. There is no problem too difficult for God to handle.  .If you cannot change you shouldat least keep the practice away from normal people..God bless.

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