Not only does he present a totally unqualified candidate for the V.P. position, but he chooses (as a sop to the religious Right Wing) an alleged Christain Evangelical, high on family values, who could not even keep her 17-year old daughter from getting pregnant outside of marriage??? And who now crows of how 'proud' she is of her daughter and the s*x-addict who got her pregnant!!!
WHY??? Was she too busy following her own career to instil REAL morals into her children. Is she a hypocrite who only pays lip service to 'family values' this a woman who is qualified to "preach" family values to the rest of America????? Does John McCain have THAT little in the way of common sense??????
To claim as Dobson has, that it is a family matter, and we ALL sinners is c**p. This is a woman who will be influencing OUR families. What a parent tell a child who asks: "Well, if the daughter of the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States can s***w around before marriage, why can't I??"
AND, if John McClaim states that this woman is his 'soul mate' ( a title that married men reserve for their wives)....what does THAT say about him?? Didn't he marry his 'soul mate'???? Or did he marry those SEVEN houses?
Are these really the two people we need 'preaching' to the rest of us????? I THINK NOT!!! Opinions welcome.