
Spirtually speaking, is there a census on the number of christian, atheistic, muslim etc....vegetarians?

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It would be interesting to see how it breaks down.




  1. I would think the highest number of vegetarians would be Hindus followed next by Buddhists.

  2. Like the first answerer said, Hindus then Buddhists.

    Many people believe that the christian bible hints towards vegetarianism also, so there are probably lots of them.

    I may be wrong  (please don't thumbs down me for ignorance sake if I am), but I think that there Muslims would see vegetarianism as an insult to God, so maybe there aren't any.

  3. seventh day adventists (christians) are usually vegetarians, as are jehovah's witnesses, because they want to be "pure."

    i find that most people who believe in a single diety claim that they can eat meat because god put animals there for their own use. and that god will fix any problems that might come from consuming them without restraint (happy 4th of july bbq, everybody...) i don't like that idea. hindus with their multiple gods and buddhists following buddha (not god) stay away from meat loyally in most cases.

    i've seen numbers on percents and what not, but they are so different that i can't really trust them. between studies and all. kind of annoying.

    if i had to make a guess of the top 5 in order of most vegetarians: buddhism, hinduism, islam, judaism, christianity. though it's hard to say because islam and judaism have basically the same eating restrictions.

    as for me, i'm an atheist and a vegetarian.

  4. I used to be a JW, and the large majority of them are not vegetarian.  Actually, I can only remember meeting two Christian vegetarians in the last 10 years, although I used to live in Pennsylvania (they like their meat).  It seems that a lot of Christians point to verses from the Bible that read that animals were put on earth by god to be eaten, so they eat animals.  As far as other religions are concerned, I'm not sure, but I believe those who practice Buddhism and Hinduism are largely vegetarian.

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