ive looked up a few remedies like soaking, tweezers the credit card trick everything. its pretty big actually, and its in the bottom of her foot, i looked with a magnifying glass and i cant even see which side it entered i have a good idea because one side looks deeper but its not sticking out on either side. im leaving it till morning and have a band aid over it i have cleaned it with alcohol, and waiting to see if it comes out a little. shes only three and i know it hurts because she told me, has anyone else had to go to a doc to have one removed i know the internet says go if you cant get it out but i feel so dumb for such a little thing but am scared it will get infected like i said its quite big and i dont want to put my daughter through the pain of an infection she can barely walk on it its right on the ball of her foot, but since its late she should be ok till morning right since she doesnt have to walk in bed and its been cleaned and covered