
Splinter stuck in father's finger!!?

by  |  earlier

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I need some help here. My dad was cleaning outside and got a Lotus Thorn stuck in the pad of his thumb. He refuses for me to use a needle or tweezers, and he, being right handed, cannot do it himself. He keeps talking about a "Raw Meat Trick" something about the raw meat will pull the splinter out?? Please help!!




  1. DONT do the raw meat trick. My friend died from that! You probably think i'm kidding but i swear i'm not. After 3 hours of the raw meat trick, his WHOLE body turned red and 2 hours after that he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance but died on the way. PLEASE don't let your father do this!

  2. Keep insisting to your father to remove the splinter.  Eventually, he'll come around and let you remove it.

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