
Split help pleasee???

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i have been dancing for ten years now and stil havent got any of my splits down. i have bad posture in my center split near my lower back which makes it even harder. i want my split by the end of this year. what exercises can help me??




  1. Do you stretch with proper posture everyday? I try to stretch twice a day (once in the morning or afternoon, and once before I go to bed). When I practice my splits, I don't just go all the way down, I try to keep my hips square and I let gravity to the work. When I practice my straddle, I keep my entire back straight or I lay on the ground against a wall and let gravity do somemore work.

    Also, some people's bone structure won't allow them to have 180 degree straddles, but I think with persistant and safe stretching (as in don't tear or stress your muscles) it is possible for just about everyone to get into a split, although everyone's muscles have different levels of elasticity. Good luck!

  2. oh hoe do i explain this... my lyrical teacher tought us this...

    1. find a wall

    2. put the back of a foot against the wall.

    3. stretch the other leg on top of you (like your doing spilts against the wall)

    4.try to get your bottem leg as close to the wall as possible.

    5. hold as long as possible (its starts to hurt your arms though)

    I hoped i explained it clearly. i did it everyday and got my splits!!! :) Good luck
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