
Split meals at restaurants or two for one coupons- embarassing dinner date?

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What do you think of people who split meals at restaurants and use two for one dinner coupons (Entertainment Book)?

I wonder if they are being laughed at behind their back for being such losers that they can not afford to go out to dinner. I know many of my women friends will not go out on a date with someone who takes them to a place and then pulls out a coupon for two meal for the price is one.

Are people who make all these efforts to save money while dates fools or genius?




  1. ok when i first read your question is sorta made me mad. So what if a person does something like use a coupon why not? do you know there financial situation. Say this you meet a really cool guy who wants to take you out and he uses a coupon like that.  You find out he doesnt have a lot of money but this gave him a way to take someone he's interested in to dinner and have a good time. As for your friends who won't go on a date with someone like that. That means yoru friends will settle for guys that they see as average only because they are stuck up and won't date people who may not have a lot of money

  2. The economy is in the toilet, gas is $4.00 dollars a gallon. Got to save a buck wherever you can.

    You should be dating oil company executives they have all kinds of money to throw at gold diggers.

  3. I love the Entertainment book and currently have two of their 2008 cards in my wallet.  We just received a 2008 at work for Teacher's Appreciation Week.  I used both of my cards for a company dinner at my other job, which my manager greatly appreciated.  I always use the Pizza Hut coupons for faculty lunches, which my teammates appreciate.  To further save money, I've recently cancelled my text messaging plan, as gas prices increase.

  4. Genius.  It isn't the price that is important, it is the time spent together.  Plus, the coupon or sharing results in more money to do more fun things later.  What is the big deal?  Why are we so obsessed with how much things cost?  With that argument, it must be the worst to cook someone dinner at home, since that is cheaper yet.

  5. Why pay more to impress someone who would laugh at you behind your back?  You can miss a lot of good people being so stuck up that you won't consider a coupon user.

    I don't think its a good move on a first date, but if you''ve been together for a while, its no biggie.

    Anyway you look at it, a person shouldn't make such a big deal out of paying for the check that everyone knows if hes paying with a twofer or a coupon, or cash, or credit card.

    Quietly, unobtrusively paying when you are the host is one of the great lost arts.

  6. it`s not something i wold do, but i have seen worse, like paying for a date with a food stamp card.

  7. Genraly i think if you going on a date -BRING YOUR CRIEDT CARD-  and save money for it. Cause if your a guy you know you'll be blowing money for your woman that whole night. But saving money with a coupon? ( save that for when your married and have kids or at least at a high priced,rip off,zoo stand) it seems a little 'parentish'.

  8. I really don't think that there is anything wrong with using coupons at restaurants. Maybe it wouldn't be the best thing to do on a first date..but other than that I think it is fine. With the economic uncertainty today, anyone who has enough money to laugh at others for using coupons should be donating their excess funds to organizations and helping to boost the economy. Sometimes people split meals because the portions are just too big, not because they don't have enough money.

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