
Spoiled 11 year old?

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Whatdaya think of an 11 year old who acts exactly like Massie Block, even though she has NO clue who she is?

Do you think shes spoiled???




-Game Cube



-4 iPods




-Hohner acoustic guitar

-Les Paul electric

-Cell Phone (Juke, she picked it out)

-Gets whateva she wants

-Video Camera

And stuff like that.

Whatdaya think of her???




  1. im not sure what to say because i dont know whos who in this question. are you like a teacher or a older sybling or what? well i agree with the top 2 awnsers

  2. Yes and whats an iHome btw?

  3. Absolutely spoilt, I wish I had even a few of those things.  And why on earth does she need 4 ipods?  I'm assuming the parents are loaded, so as long as she gets her trust fund she will always have what she wants.

    The people I know with trust funds ended up with drug habits and no interest in finding work when they were in their early 20s.

    Although a few years later one is now studying to be a lawyer, the other is a gardener/chef

  4. I think it is sad that she has no parents. Parents teach their children, love their children, dicipline their children and have fun with their children.

    This poor girl only has things. She is so used to getting things that things are what she wants because it is all she is used to getting.

  5. spolied rotten her mom should do some thing i never met anyone so spolied rottten

  6. I say good luck to her when she hits the real world

  7. I do not think shes spoiled but I think you give into her mommy willl you pleeease get this for me thing. You just need to put your foot down and say no to her.

  8. has spoiled written ALL over it.

  9. I think she's spoiled and she's probably going to have a hard time understanding in life that you don't always get what you want. It could potentially be a problem for her in the future.

  10. No, not necessarily, having these things does not automatically make her "bad" that is a false, uninformed statement. if u give a kid something, you are just giving them an object. They can trash it, reject it, take it for granted and not think about it, appreciate it, they can do alot with it. They are only "spoiled" if they automatically think they will be given what they want, don't appriciate what they have, and think the fact that they have these things makes them "better" than every one else. So, no not really.

  11. okay. ive read the clique books so i understand the massie Block thing. yes i think she is spoiled. try saying no to one thing a week then 2 things a week then 3 things a week (every other week). she might start to realize that she cannot always get what she wants.

              if she starts to misbehave as revenge (which is most likely to happen) punish her. i know i sound like a strict and mean person but i am 12 and i can realate somehow. because my father spoiled my older sister and didnt want me to turn out spoiled.

              if you talk to her calmly and explain to her that she is spoiled she might insist that she is not (which girls dont like to be proven wrong-especially ones that are spoiled) then you can tell her to prove it. then you can test her and prove she is, but if she can prove she is not then you can try to stricken up a bit, i bet she wont even care since she proved you wrong!

  12. I don't know who Massie Block is.  Regardless of what stuff the kid has, if she is thankful for the things she has, and accepts it maturely if she is told she can't have something, then no she is not spoiled.  If she acts like a brat and begs and whines to get more stuff, and is not thankful for what she has, yes she is spoiled.  Being spoiled has nothing to do with what the kid has, and everything to do with how the kid acts.

  13. she's very spoiled and she is gonna have a hard time getting through life

  14. spoiled aint the word she dont got the psp or the ps3 or personal shopper,bodyguard ha ha now thats she has about the right amount of things for a child of her age

  15. Whats to think about it? i wouldn't think to much of her. alot of kids have a driver and a cook.they are called parents. that tend to the kids and love their kids.are the parents to busy to spend time with the 11yr old?so they by all these things to show they care? and any  parent can spoil a kid. but  it takes kindness and patients to be a good parent
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