
Spoiled brat?

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My son is 6 going on 7 and lately he seems to have gotten an aditute problem. He is an only child. He does good in school and does what he is told.

However he seems to be upset and gets grumpy if things don't go is way. He used to be okay about it. I was wondering hopefully when school starts if he will go back to his old ways since he will have to share and be around other children. He has been doing a summer library program so it isn't like he has been isolated all summer but there are no kids his age to play with out here. I do admit some fault that I do baby him some but I don't but up with him thinking he can always get what he wants. Any other parents have some suggestions?

Just wanted to add he has the same sleep schedule and gets about 8 to 9 hours.

I have punished him with no snack after dinner and making him have time out on the bed for 10 minutes.

My friend suggested taking him to a shelter or hosptial to see how well he has it. Anyone try this?




  1. kids do that. just let him know whats up and what you say goes. i wouldnt do the shelter thing it doesnt sound that serious.

  2. Your son is going through normal growing pains.  Children will try and push you at many times in their lives.  He's getting a little old for time-outs.  He really doesn't care about having to sit for 10 minutes.  Think of all the time they stash him in a chair at school that he doesn't get to do anything but listen.  You just have to be firm and your punishment needs to be a little more.  Take something away that he likes.  Also understand that when he goes back to school, he will learn more choice bad behaviors from other children, so be ready!

  3. this is normal for children, especially only children.  He wants to push his limits to see what you will let him get away with.  You have to continue with the consequences for bad behavior and show him that you will stand your ground.

  4. Ya ive got a suggestion for a bratty kid......**** can the timeouts and no snack nonsense and give a good ole fashion whipping.

  5. sounds like he's just being a normal child, but you have to always remember to be the parent.

    i think the hospital thing is a bit harsh and it likely won't effect his behavior right now. activities like taking one's child to skid row or showing other adversities of life are often more relevant to older children (adolescent/pre-teen to teenagers), but a little less spoiling/indulgence on your part might help.

  6. I think he's just being a kid. It could be a lot worse than what I think....but by your description he's not half as bad as some of the stories i've heard on here.

    I think what you are doing sounds fine! Maybe take away something he really loves next time.

    Sorry If I was no help.

  7. Leave him alone for a little while if he acts up. Don't give up. Be consistent. Tell him why simply. No one gets their way all of the time. It's just how life is. He needs to learn to develop coping skills. Don't baby him so much. That's not helping him. It's helping you.

    Sometimes he's going to be unhappy. It's ok. It's just life. He will learn to cope on his own. If he doesn't then you can step in but let him try on his own. Don't give in quick.

    He might be lonely but he should be able to play by himself.

    Again, don't worry too much. Let him deal with it. Isolate him in his room for a few minutes. Let him calm down. Be firm but loving.

    This is how it is.

  8. It sounds like he's just going through a normal stage. Let him know that things won't  always go his way, he won't always win, and he won't always the best at things, but that you will always love him.

    Also, I don't recommend taking food away from a child, even if it is just a snack. Nutrients are very important to growing kids. I would take away a privilege like T.V. time.
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