
Spoilt brats! I need HELP

by Guest56521  |  earlier

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I work with some children and am finding 1 of them in particular very difficult to deal with as she is so cocky and arrogant, she frequently tells me to "shut up" "get out of my house" and in general talks to me like something u find on the bottom of your shoe. this child is 11 and is treated like a princess i´v tried talking to the parents but as far as they are concerned the sun rises and falls in their daughter ****. Leaving is not an option at the moment so i am also living with her, i must stay for at least 6 weeks more, any ideas how to deal with her in that time PLEASE




  1. This reminds me so much about Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller. Anne Sullivan roughed it otu and forced respect of Helen. You have to take her aside and make sure she understands you. Be firm and if the parents find out, so what!

  2. Just ignore her. I mean, to an extreme level. She's only doing this to get a response. Tell her that if she can't be kind and polite, she isn't worth talking to. If she says something mean, just keep walking, completely ignore her. Don't even acknowledge that she exists until she can apologize.  

  3. just let her do whatever leave her alone. thats what my parents do with me.  

  4. Just ignore her.  Like completely.  If she's used to being the center of attention, that will drive her nuts!   Because even though she acts like she thinks she's superior to you, she actually does look up to you, because you're older.  Deep down, she wants your respect and attention.  If you give her no attention at all, she may change her tune and start acting a little more civil.

  5. tell her you'll call the police on her if she doesn't behave

  6. sounds like your hands are tied, not much you can do besides put up with her.  try to get your own place as soon as possible.  good luck!

  7. ignore her. I mean really ignore her. She asks youa question and you completely turn to the opposite side and talk to some other child! . Play her childish game

  8. okay wow, towards the first answer.

    and wow, sounds like a very spoiled little girl.

    just tell her no. when she asks for something to eat

    say no, to go outside, no. to talk on the phone, no.

    NO NO NO NO NO learn that word, live it, because

    you need to use it.

  9. Seeing as though you aren't a parent, hitting isn't an option, unless you have their consent, which it doesn't seem like they'd give you. But you can still discipline by setting rules, and taking things away. Things like toys, cell phones, priveleges, and if things get extreme, furniture like beds. There are also behavioral specialists that can talk to the child and try to help with the situation. ♥

  10. call super nanny

  11. ignore her till she cooperates

  12. Unfortunately there is very little you can do with out the support of the parents, especially if the child is able to realize that the parents will back her up.

    I know it sounds cruel but I would just ignore her and pretend she isn't there until she learns to regaurd you with respect. Don't react to her insults and demands, treat her the way you would treat any adult that acted like that towards you. Don't do her favors or nice things and don't give her any positive reinforcement of any kind.

    I am not sure of the cappacity you work with her in but if the parents are leaving you in charge of her then you need to have a talk with them. You shouldn't approach them with any ill feelings towards their child because they will automatically get defensive, just let them know that you cannot effectively complete your job without their support and that you understand that they may not always agree eye to eye with you but if they don't agree with your methods they shouldn't address it while the children are present. Tell them that you will not tolerate being disrespected and no matter how much they love their daughter, it is not right or healthy for her to address you in the manners she has been. Make sure you are firm without being insulting to the parents and the child both.

  13. Ask the parents if you are allowed to discipline their child when she misbehaves like that and in what ways.

  14. She sounds like me. Just let her do what she wants.

  15. well what do you do for these kids?  Are you the nanny?  If so treat them like your own, discipline the kids.  If they talk back or do something wrong, take away activities, phone, tv, etc.  If the parents give you problems about this tell them you can't do your job if the kids don't listen and aren't disciplined.   Tell them you cannot discipline the others and not the one.  Its the same rules for all the kids.  Discipline her anyways, and if they don't like it tough, they can raise their own kids then.

  16. Sounds like she needs some discipline badly. If the parents won't discipline or allow discipline, in my opinion, that's abuse. I wouldn't agree to watch someone kids with a "no discipline" policy.

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