
Sponsor questions!?

by  |  earlier

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My name is Corie and i have been riding for over 7 years now and in the third level of riding at the moment but the problem is that i need someone to help me buy a horse or atleast help me lease a horse. I have a horse in mind that is very cheap that i can take somewhere but unforunately i don't have enough money.

Does anyone know of a company that can sponsor me or grant or scholarship type thing?

I need a horse to compete and continue to be on my equestrian team. If I do not find a horse soon i will booted off so to speak.





  1. i was in your situation about a week ago.

    if you have time, write to a bunch of small brand tack stores (near by you) and tell them what's going on. usually, these tack stores will give you a little bit (but its something) to help out, but require you to wear a logo.

    this isn't bad, until you have a hundred different brands on your jacket. :]

    look into horse trailer companies as well.. (sundowner, gore, delta) especially the smaller ones (lakota, S&S) they want to catch up with the competition, and a good rider advertising them is something to look for.

    and hey, you might even get a trailer out of it :]

    hope i could help


  2. ask the owner if you can make payments on the horse you're looking at. or if you know a friend that has a horse avaible, or soeone on your team.

  3. why dont u try a RSPCA near by?? or maybe an oline place they are usally cheap.

    hope that elps, can u answer my question??

    about ODEs

  4. Sponsors are a difficult commodity to come by...

    My husband races off road cars.  Small time, local stuff.  He is very gifted and has a few big sponsors...Bridgestone provided his tires, a few local companies gave money.  Every logo on his car is a sponsor...not just some company whose products he buys.

    Every sponsor was the result of some well-connected relationships it's taken him his whole life to build...he's 55.

    I don't want to discourage you, but you may be better off trying to raise the money...a truck/trailer wash at the local Co-op or feed store, a bake sale...renting yourself out for barn duty.  You would probably get further faster doing that.

    Start networking among your connections.  Surely somebody knows someone who has had a baby, taken a new job, sprained an ankle, etc. who has to sit out for awhile who would love to have an experienced, well referenced young lady keep their horse busy?  

    I know if something happened and I needed a ride, I could find a loaner for a weekend or a season with one email to one of my groups.  

    You may also try a rescue...see if you could trade stall mucking and such for the use of one of their sound adoptees for a show'd have a ride, they'd have a more valuable horse at the end of the deal...a win-win.

  5. Well Im sorry there is no soliciting for money on this site, but If you are in collage or part of an equestrian team  they should have appropriate ways to attain sponsors.

  6. No offense but if you dont have money to lbuy a horse how are you going to pay board and so forth? I mean if you lease thats different. I would reccomend contacting the hunter jumper association or what ever you ride I have seen things for them.. like the usdf does but thats dressage I dont knwo what you ride..
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