
Sponsored athletes - Your opinion please?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm translating an agreement contract for a company who wants to extend their sponsorship program overseas.

I'm also making suggestions to make their requirements a bit more international friendly. They have some items in the contract that are local-specific. They might be acceptable for people in this area of the world, but they might not be taken so well in Europe or the Americas.

So I'd like your opinions since I am not a sponsored athlete, nor am I privy to the private details of the contracts of those sponsored athletes that I have met previously.

In this case, the sponsorship is for a cycling team.

I'd like to know how you feel or would feel if your team manager asked you to attend some event to just hang out for a few hours dressed in full ride gear.

Would you say - par for the course?

Would you be irritated?

Would you expect pay or compensation for the time?

Would it be different if it was a smaller sponsor rather than a full sponsor?




  1. As long as some hot chicks were there I wouldn't care.  You never know..........might get lucky.

    Actually, all sports figures, entertainers and public figures have to do the PR stuff.........thats how you get in the press.

    And sell records, movies or the sponsors products.

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