
Sponsoring a Child?

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I will be sponsring a child in a forgien country. What I would like to know, through the same program that I will be sponsering for, can i sponser more than one child at a time? I'm 20 years old if age does matter. I've been feeling SO compailled to help support a child, but $32 a month doesnt seem like it will help. Does only 32 a month really help one child? What about the childs family? I will be going through the program called "Compassion Sunday". for the past month or so, I've been wanting to help a child, and today at church we got bulitiens for Compassion. So I would just like more information. Right now, I'm looking at their website to see if they have any answers for my questions, but if you would, please answer if you know. Thanx, God Bless♥




  1. My mom sponsors a child.  Trust me whatever money you can afford will help immensely.  The money is pooled with other donations and used to help the child's village more directly than the individual child.  The money is used to buy bulk foods, such as wheat, corn, and rice.  These foods can feed the most people for the least money.  The money also goes to buying medicines at a reduced cost.  Once a month my mom receives a letter from the child she sponsors.  I'm glad she's been able to help.  Additionally, she sends the child a little pocket money, when she can afford it.  The entire family is very grateful.  Your money will not be wasted and anything you can do will help

  2. They will take as much money from you as what you want to give ;)  No limit to how many children you can sponsor.  You might be making it better for the children you are trying to help by not sponsoring them (just giving money instead) so that less of that money goes to making and sending you pictures and letters (unless that's important to you).

    I'd look into the organization though, because many of them have high overhead costs (like if you pay $32/mo. with some of them only $16/mo will go to helping the child and the rest will go to the staff on the US side).

    Yes in some countries $32/month is a lot of money.  21 countries in Africa have an average per person income of less than $400/year (and you know that it isn't equally spread around...households with children everywhere tend to be poorer than those without).

    So that kind of money could feed the child's whole family for a year (probably with some money left over).

    One way to pick a good organization (so that the money really goes to the people you want to help instead of the executives and paid volunteers in the organization) is to look at how they are rated (I couldn't find much on the charity you mentioned).  The link below (sort by chaitable commitment) will show you organizations that make sure most of the money goes where it should, instead of to people like Bob Dole's wife.
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