I am a US citizen and my husband is a legal permanent resident who is currently applying for citizenship in the US. We would like his parents to come over and visit us because we have been to Europe for the last 3 years straight and the exchange rate is making it much pricier than before. They are Hungarian nationals and have applied for a tourist visa once, but were denied due to the 214-b clause. Should they wait for the visa waiver program to come through at the beginning of winter (lousy time to be in Detroit) or is there a way we can expedite the process (we can pay a lawyer if need be). Also, it does not matter if they get a visa or green card, we just want them legally in the US as soon as possible. They will not work or do anything but stay with us and they are retirees on disability pension due to the father having a workplace injury and the mother having complications from a botched knee surgery.