
Sponsorship Insecurities???

by  |  earlier

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I just got sponsored by a major bodyboarding company, and now ride for this company's team. I know a lot of the guys on the team- I see them out in the water all of the time. However, we've never really tallked, because I'm a little bit shy. Now, I'm riding for the same team as them- co-ed, and I'm the only girl on the team. I know I'm a really great bodyboarder, and I'm getting better every day, but I'm nowhere near as good as the GUYS on the team. I know the company wants to have a girl rider, and I'm one of the better ones in SoCal, but I can't help but compare myself to the guys on the team, and it makes me feel really undeserving, like being a girl is the ONLY reason I got on the team and, because I'm, (not to sound concieted) very pretty, your typical surfer/bodyboarding girl... tan, blond, lean, nice facial features. I'm really stoked to be on the team, but am I really underserving of the sponsorship? How can I overcome this?




  1. i wouldnt worry about it. a team wouldnt bring you on if you sucked--its a waste of money. you arent surfing against guys anyway.

  2. There's on old expression that goes "Never look a gift horse in the mouth."  You have been given a great opportunity.  If you are worried that you don't deserve it then it will probably cause you to live down to your expectations.  Instead, believe that you deserve it and go out and prove it.  Maybe you're not as good as the guys...for now.  You've something to shoot for now.

  3. body boarding is for tourists or people who can't surf.

    maybe change your name to gone boggying

    if you so pretty maybe you should enter trans world model search. than you don't have to wonder if its your looks.

    just to point it out that did seem kind of conceit...very pretty, tanned, nice face.

    what ever

  4. Don't focus on that. Just spend all your time thinking about how you can get better. If you weren't good they wouldn't sponsor you. Keep it positive!!!

    The Surfboard Man

  5. dont flatter urself

    maybe theyd like you better if youd stop talking about yourself you kook

    maybe its ur tan body, pretty features, and blond hair thats keeping them away

    and ppl wonder why surfers hate bodyboarders

    Hope i helped!

    good luck!


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