
Spooky goings on in my fiances house?

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I dont live with my fiance at weekends so only spend monday - friday with him in what is going to be our marital home. I keep on getting the feeling that I am being watched when I walk down the flights of stairs (we have three in our house) also if im alone in the bedroom!!! also we have just had a home cinema system installed in our living/dining room all is ok when my fiance is around it works fine but if im the first one in and turn the tv on it doesnt come on straight away and when it does its switched to radio or cd which is weird because it wasnt set that way when we watched tv the previous evening and of a morning when I get up to watch breakfast tv whilst I have breakfast it doesnt come on! Ive tried talking to my fiance about this because it freaked me out slightly and he says to me that it is working fine and it must just be me!! the house is brand new (well two years old) we are the first to live in it so I dont know what is going on!




  1. Women are just no good with electronic equipment...don't make excuses.

  2. Agree with J3NN, that he/she might of followed you. Just try to talk to the entity and confront your fear. Don't be scared, might just need a chat! Good luck and merry be with you.

  3. i know what you can do to change things for good. i know how powerful the blood of Jesus is because it is the same blood that healed me from my panic attacks.  when you go into that house next time, you need to take authority because god gave us dominion and authority over the powers of h**l and darkness. you need to go in there and say, you command the bad spirits to leave in Jesus name amen. and just pray and you will see what god will do. i wish you all the best. god bless you love.

  4. Sometimes a ghost can follow you.  maybe a spirit from the older house, followed your fiance to the new house!

    Does the TV come on on the radio or cd when your fiance uses it?  Could just be the tv.....

    You could be feeling watched because:

    1. its all in your head

    2. your fiance has video cameras installed

    3. the ghost followed your fiance to the new house

    those are my guesses.

  5. Sounds like your boyfriend likes to play mind games.

    Try hiding his wallet, and then when he can't find it, say, "It's all in your head, you just forgot."

    Then he goes out to the car, put it in the bathroom, near the sink.  It works better if he went into the bathroom.

  6. your fiance is recording you with hidden cameras.

  7. sounds really freaky - i hate stuff like that

    feel so sorry for u


  8. First, the fact that the house is new has nothing to do with spirits. Spirits are not dead people.

    It sounds like you get spooked out when you are alone. The feeling of being watched is most likely just your imagination running wild.

    Another possibility is air conditioning or heating ducts. There are certain tones that are known as infrasound that can cause people to feel like they are being watched.

    I am thinking that in your fear and paranoia you are fumbling around with the entertainment center. Your fiance probably doesnt allow you to control it when he is around, and so you do not get used to how it works.

    You should be more assertive about controlling it, or you will be watching what he wants the rest of your life and never what you want to watch.

  9. The feeling of being watched is a common feeling brought on by the power of suggestion and fearfulness. It can also be a symptom of schizophrenia. Nobody actually has the supernatural power of knowing that they are being watched. Regarding the home cinema, most of the ones I've run across (including mine) are rather complex to control. The buttons to push, and the correct order of buttons to push, is important. Ask your fiancee to give you a refresher.

    That's all there is to it.

  10. You can have a paranormal investigative team investigate your home.  You can find one locally online.  The service is free to true paranormal investigators.  What state are you in?

  11. I wouldn't say its paranormal.  I would have someone check out the tv and remotes.  Sometimes, you have to press the (tv) button on the remote (if its a universal remote), electrical disturbance caused by too much wiring, etc....  

    Best to rule out all the possible causes before acclaiming it is paranormal.  The last thing you want is to truly believe it is a ghost, and by that you will actually call one to your home.  Your fear will draw them.

    If you still believe it is a possible haunting, then you can protect yourself by surrounding yourself with white light.  And believe nothing can harm you.

  12. Its all in your head.

    Feeling watched doesn't mean ghost's exist, just that you have an active imagination! The TV must be programmed to be on radio at a certain time when it's turned on, check the instruction manual on how to change it!

    If you stop thinking about it, strange thing's will stop happening. When you think spooky things are happening it makes you feel uneasy, your sense's heighten and you'll pick up noise's and other sensation's that you wouldn't normally notice. Just stay calm, don't think about it, and the feeling will go away

  13. Keep taking the medication. You may need to double the dose. Consult your doctor.


  14. Do you feel any guilt or anxiety about living with a person you're not married to?  Is there any other reason you can think of that might cause you to feel guilty for being at his house?

    Many people who have a strong guilt complex will feel they are being scrutinized (watched) when they are doing something they deem to be wrong.  It's a powerful imagination mixed with a conscious.  Put simply, it's self-scrutiny.

    Regarding the home theater system, I have never met a woman who can operate even the simplest system.  I don't believe this is inherent.  I think it's a cultural thing.

  15. It's probably somebody that follows him around. I mean a ghost or something. It might be somebody who doesn't mean harm, since they're not scaring you in a scary way or something. Or it could be something he bought that is with you everytime you move, like a piece of furniture. I have seen shows on tv and they do sometimes tell them, its because of something old they bought on a thrift store that belonged to somebody who passed away. You can try talking to them and telling them to go "home". But yea investigate it. It could be something since ghosts do take some energy and electricity away.

  16. As for the system, if it has a universal remote you could be setting on a different device. My wife does this all the time with our universal remote. She will bump a button and set it for the satilite or DVD instead of the TV or bump it to a different antenia.

  17. its a ghost

  18. well i believe in ghosts cos my dad has seen them, and he doesnt lie..

    but if its a new house, it seems highly unlikely you will have permenant ghost.

    Then again, i live in a new house but sometimes I hear strange noises and blame it on spooks :S

    maybe your TV is just faulty, or the electric supply.

    If your scared, just remind yourself that no1 has died there, so if its a ghost it might be a friend/relative checking how you are...

    I study psychology, so I know its more likely to be hysteria or coincedence though

  19. Thinking you should be with checking out the electronics case you're not using it right, etc...I've had stuff that didn't work right before and it was always something I was doing or it was broken. With all the spirits, etc that I have coming in and out of my house I've never had a "spirit" problem with my electronics.

    Had the milk sour once before the date...we had a chat about that just in case it wasn't a bad carton.

    It doesn't matter if it is a new house or not; there was something there before the *new* house and construction doesn't make them go away it makes ghosts more active as the don't like all the noise and commotion.

    Right at this point, since you've only been feeling like you're being watched and nothing is really happening happening and you are physically unharmed/untouched; I'd go with the fact that they want you to know you're being watched...but only to the extent that they are watching out for you; not watching you.

    Generally, if that is the case, when you acknowledge them and say thank you...that feeling dies down a bit; of course it will never go away because if it dies down at all then you know in your mind that is what they are doing so then you're always aware of it.

    Other times, they know you can see them (in a manner of speaking) because you can sense them and they're just hanging out until you acknowledge them so they can tell you whatever it is they are waiting to tell you...then they'll likely leave.

    Even if you don't think you want the message; you could try looking in the area to where you're being "watched" and ask them please to tone it down it makes you uncomfortable.

    Mine here, they will never manifest in any shape or form...I can hear them, feel them, generally sense them but never "see" any physical manifestation because they know it'd startle the c**p out of me --- go figure.

    Mostly has to do with my being able to keep the two worlds separated and such.

    Either way, there is probably nothing to worry about...any attempt to scare you would be just that; an attempt...and if you let it happen they'll try to keep it up, etc

  20. Maybe the tv is broken and his ex-girlfriend is stalking you guys!!!

  21. cat,

    Funny how some assume you speaking ghost when you never mentioned it, but anyway the house seems like a rather large in size with a lot of open spaces which can give a feeling of someone watching you. strong electrical impulses coming from any electrical device can give you an uneasy feeling.

    Electronics well many things can happen through default settings to electronic flaws in the design as well as making an error in programming.

    But the truth is no one can confirm anything here, that would take someone looking into it to see where the problems are.

    Try not to let it freak you out too much because all of what you mentioned could be natural things.

    best of luck to you and your fiance

  22. i dont think its a ghost i think its you. you prolly dont know how to use the stuff. dont freak out it happens....especially to us girls. ask ur fiance to show you how to work the electronics properly.

  23. are there any hidden cameras?

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