I remember riding a dirtbike a 1982 yamaha or 83 and I popped the clutch cause I kicked, and gave it gass while holding the clutch and released it too quick. The front came up and got hurt.
I could never understand why this happens? couldn't they make a bike that you don't need to be holding down a clutch?
My questions are the following
1) Do all sport bikes start this way in 2008?
if so - how come I 've never seen somebody not do this at a red light, or starting in a parking lot? you would think this would happend to even pro riders all the time. You can just have a lapse and forget or in a hurry, and pop-oooops there goes the front.
2) Do Harley Davidsons start the same way?
3) how come a sport bike can't just have a key like a car, and start and you hold down throttle like a scooter?
Thank you