
Sport Pilot Question LSA?

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Anybody out there in airplane land is either has a Sport pilot cert, is getting one. Knows somebody who either has one or is getting one. First question why? business, want to fly? How much it costs how long did it take to get one. Are you finding the resrictions a pain no night flying etc. If your getting an aircraft what kind? The planes I've seen cost as much as a Honda. I'm pondering it.




  1. Caution:

    If you have failed an FAA physical, you cannot go on to LSA. A failed FAA is disqualifying for LSA. Better to set aside an FAA renewal and go on to LSA.

    Further caution:

    The imports, including the Cessna China built entry, are overpriced, and you would do well to focus on US built LSA's. Contact for their guidelines on LSA. They also have listings of US mfrs.

  2. LSA air for people to still enjoy the passion of flight, that can not get a medical, or have had their medical revoked, and this why there is limits on the night flying and types of aircraft certified under the LSA, aicraft under 1320lbs for land a/c.

    LSA ops are conduceted under part 91, so they can not be for business

  3. Sport pilot ONLY makes sense if you cannot pass a FAA medical exam. You will spen almost as much time and money earning a sport pilot certificate as a private pilot.

    You will already have spent a bundle, spend a few bucks more and get a private. You can still fly those little sport planes if you want, but you can also fly 4 seat aircraft, at night, in controlled airspace.

  4. we have sport pilot certification at if you are in California.  Not sure where you are at.

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