
Sport commitment or Once a year Vacation?

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So I commited to club volleyball which is fine because I really love volleyball and I neede something for offseason. We have practices tuesdays and thursdays 8-10 each week, and every now and then a tournament. But for the after finals four-day weekedn my family had planned a ski trip to mammoth which we only do like once a year, or even 2 years. But it's the same weekend as one of my v-ball tournaments. My family is still going to mammoth, but I have to choose which one I'd like to do. I really want to go snowboarding, but I also don't want to seem like I ditch my team (Even when there's nine ppl for a 6-person team) and be the girl who ditches playing when something better comes up. What do I do?




  1. I guess that it would depend on the tournament.  If this is just a regional tournament against the same old teams that you play against all the time, take the vacation.  I'm assuming you haven't taken any days off yet, so one tournament should be forgiven, but you may want to check with the club policies and inform the coach as soon as possible.

    If this is a larger, multi-region or national in the tournament.  The exposure to new play and possible recruiters is more important than a vacation.

    As a JO coach, I never cared about losing a player for one or two days....but if they took too many days....this reflects their commitment and usually someone else was getting their playtime.

  2. The answer is really simple,

    Have a little nerve, tell the coach that your family is going on vacation. She'll understand, afterall, it's your break, you get to do what you want to do. Also, arne't there like two more alternates? If so take a loadoff. Have fun skiing

  3. You knew that when you made the volleyball team it would be a committment. You have a certain period in your life where you will be able to compete in volleyball. Committments come before vacations. You are also letting your team down. Do the right thing go to the tournment, snowboarding is always going to be there.

    Varsity Head Coach

  4. Your family vacations will happen again, this tournament will not.  Do the volley ball.

  5. Go and be with your family. They will not be there for you forever. Cherish every chance you get to be with them! It appears to me that your team is very well covered in this event. Good luck to you and have fun snowboarding!

  6. Wow, you're in a tough spot.... I think that if i tell you what I did, that might help. When we got into playoffs for volleyball I was supposed to go on a family trip to Puerto Vallarta, but our final 2 playoff games before qualifying for state would fall during that date. I really, really wanted to go, but like you said, I couldn't let down my team. Then it kinda hit me, why work all season for something like this and not finish it. I worked my butt off and i was going to just drop it? I didn't think so, so while my family went I stayed behind and helped our team make it to state where we won. I told my team what I had given up for them, and because of that they knew how dedicated I was and I know that they tried harder just for that fact. I don't regret it, because you can only play volleyball for a limited time, you can go on vacation when you get older. I also play club volleyball so I know the weekend commitments, but if it means a lot to you then you should be willing to sacrifice for it. I hope this helps, and good luck with whichever you choose.

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