
Sporting virus seems to be spreading...?

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The sporting virus (the fear of failing) seems to be everywhere.

England are one of them. Captain Michael Vaughan has warned Australia that England now have the strength in depth to win back the Ashes next year. (this was stated just before the NZ v Engl test series)

Now where half way through the second test match and England look like they're going to limp out of the match. Their body language doesn't support the statement that Vaughn started the series with.

England aren't the only team with this problem. Sri Lanka are another team who 'over-sell themselves' before the series even starts (the CB series in Australia is a big example of this)




  1. The tuberculosis moron is ashish bhatia again, the fool who tell us all there will be no more Aussie bashing from him, hope all witness this.

    Hey Scumbag, After deleting my question last night, and continuing with your rants, all bets are now off, live your life to the fullest b4 Sept.

    edit- listen scumbag,  i would love to contact you but you keep your email closed coward.  then again i do have your new job number, your house number, your mobile number, your address too, hmmm, wouldn't like you to loose this job like the last, then we have to track you down again, nice funny looking cricket oval near your house, more of a rectangle than an oval.  Tell your friends its spelt cricket too, not creket.

    Only a short distance from the railway station, you asked, you shall receive cockroach.

  2. Love call it friendly rivalry between 2 great nations..

    The Poms give it to us and we give it to them...

    Vaughan is known for flapping his gums all the time,i think it's pretty funny he says stuff like that then his team crumbles like cookies,oh well hopefully those words will bite him on the bum when we play them next..Yeah good question,keep it up it is a good break from the IPL questions....

    OZ OZ OZ-TB TB TB>>When are you going to learn to keep your big mouth shut?.Yeah nice question you had over there in that religon section,what's wrong someone upset you,i noticed you deleted it....Too bad your bible bashing friends may have had a solution to your marital problems,but it's not just marriage is it,no but hey i'm a nice fella i wont say what else your problem was about..But yeah a Taxi might come in handy for you.You never know when you could find yourself out of work--Again....ROFLMOA

  3. Hey Ashish Bhatia, you have a lot more to worry about than your name (Ashish Bhatia) being posted on here.

    Good luck Ashish Bhatia, because you'll need it.

    Anyone who'd like to see Ashish Bhatia's CV, feel free to email me (my profile is open, unlike Ashish Bhatia's) & I'll send it on. It's hilarious and I guarantee you'll get a good laugh out of it ;-)

    ABANDONED, SHAMELESSLY, ADVANCED Ashish..... you still can't spell, can you? I've even found some spelling mistakes on your CV!!! That always makes a good impression with prospective employers ;-)

    So Ashish, just because you went quiet for a couple of days you seem to think that all is forgiven with you? Think again, fat boy. I will never forget your death threat email to me or the email describing how you were going to rape my mother and sisters. Too late for forgiveness you loser, you've created all your own problems. You should learn to cover your tracks better if you don't want people to find out all your personal information.

    Melbourne has a population of about 4 million, so I'd say there'd be hundreds if not thousands of "Mr Johnsons". Are you sure you have the correct city, Ashish Bhatia?? Didn't that stamp you showed us all say "Fraser Island"??

  4. Yes and it has spred to Yahoo cricket section..

    The virus's name just happens to be Ashish Bhatia...

    Hey scumbag why dont you buy your lovely wife a TAXI,i hear she is asking you to buy her a new car,so much for NO wife hey...

    BEEP BEEP...

    Dont worry i'll give you cheap price scumbag...

    EDIT>What's your problem now,well you did ask everyone in R&S wether you should buy your wife a new car,the wife that gives you no love,no s*x wants all your money,always talking on mobile phone,never cooks,never opens up kids school bag..Ohhh poor little Ashish Bhatia,told you last night get your stories right mate,your slipping mate,you better start writing all these lies down,thats the thing when you lie,you cant remember what you have said..And you say you have brains,nah you have grey matter floating up above...

    BEEP BEEP!!!!

    EDIT..OHH poor boy can't handle the heat so he has to get one of his 2 friends to come in and act like him,too bad scumbag,it's not working...

    We know you and your moronic way of speaking.So going to bring out the cavalary now areyou?..Ok 2 can play your game..

  5. I absolutely agree. If they are going to shoot their mouths off then they should have something substantial to back it up. I think that they are trying to play mind games and that also is a game that they have lost. Why are they loosing? I think it's a matter of character. Cricket isn't just about batting, bowling and fielding, it's about courage and character and that's what makes it the greatest game. And a team without backbone and character, no matter how talented, will be destined to fail. Really glad to hear someone talking about something other than IPL. Cheers.

  6. They should keep their mouths shut before the game.

  7. this is the anti-dote to the virus which Aussies have been spreading for years and you are blaming it as a sports virus!

    well if Australia visits India, i would publish on the front page of newspaper a headline as " AUSSIES WILL BE CRUSHED"

    seems very nice, this is what Aussies have been doing for years and reaping the fruits out of it and now you are calling it a virus, may i ask , why?

    and regarding limping out, Aussies can limp out shamelessly, others limp slightly awkwardly, well thats the difference , agreed on that point, Punter didn't even once come up and say that i did a blunder saying 2-0 victory in adavance of CB series finals , such shameless and adamant fellow!

    what to do , you have to live with all kind of virus!


    well, to the morons below:

    see its like this:

    1. i never reported your Qs

    2. even after stopping aussie bashing, i'm getting threats, doesn't make sense, i was quiet for few days, right!

    3. even after i tried to be quiet, Taxi is coming and taking my name over here

    hope the above clarifies, if you ask Taxi to stop taking my name, i will stop and also please stop threatening me of september blast,

    hope the above is in order, feel free to contact in case of any further queries, assuring you of my best services at all times, sniper!

    again going to silence, hope your Wayne Kerr, aka Taxi doesn't come up with my name over here!

    yours truly,

    scumbag  ( of , scum piece 1 - Dave Sullivan , scum piece 2 Wayne Kerr)

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