
Sports bra help, please help

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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My football coach told me that I'd be better off wearing a sport's bra than a football uniform. Only problem is, I'm a man. I don't know what he means. I've been looking around but I've been struggling to find a sport's bra that gives me a masculine edge. Last time I showed up, everybody laughed at me and the coach threatened to kick me off the team for wearing a sport's bra.I guess it was because it looked too feminine. Does anybody know of a brand of manly sport's bras to show up to football practice in?




  1. the cleavage could distract the other team, trying to look down ur shirt.

    gotta admit, good idea

  2. why would ur coach suggest one then threat to kick u off the team for wearing one.?

  3. he wasn't serious about wearing a sports bra and all he was saying is that your being a p***y and man up because you would be better off than playing football.

  4. ok ok wat? a guy wearing a sports bra? never heard of it but y dont u tell ur coach. hes probally messing with u nd if he isnt....well uh.....

  5. Your coach is mean! Why dont you try wearing a tight tank top under your uniform.

  6. i guess if you have..... um..cleavage... then you might need one!!!

    But im guessing that you might have taken your coaches joke to heart? Maybe he was just joking around but it came as seriously.

  7. yeah, i don't think he means it literally. i think it might be your performance. or if your fat then he might be implying to lose some weight (:

  8. i think he was calling you a girl. commenting on gyno maybe? gyno is when men have female looking boobehs. the sports bra was probably a clever way of saying it instead of calling you sally, or wendy.

  9. lol he dosent want other team to look at your cleavage

  10. He was kidding, he meant that you play like a girl.

    Which i find offensive..

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