
Sports for a 7yr old?

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My daughter is 7yrs old and absolutely loathes physical activity. Whenever I send her outside to play, she prefers to read under a tree or use her science kits. My daughter is intellectually gifted and attends a school that is academically challenging. I feel like she's all work and no play and is growing more isolated each day. When she sees kids from the neighbourhood running around playing games like tag, she calls them wild. Hubby thinks maybe a team sport may be the best way for her to embrace fitness becase she's extremely organized and loves regimented activities. Her coordination isn't very good. What sports would be best?




  1. swimming or ice skating. best ones out there,

  2. well, not saying she would be good at first, but maybe after a few lessons, id say volleyball. only because thats my favorite sport,lol. i have played it since i was 3 through my seniopr year in high school. i was on the freshman volleyball team at my college but then got pregnant with my triplets so had to quit. my triplets are now 5 and they love volleyball. if my 5 year olds can do it, then i think your 7 year old could to. p.s, i am also a asst. coach for the local 11-13 year old girls volleyball team

  3. Why does your daughter at 7 years old have such an attitude? Have people told her (even in a round about way) that she is better than most other kids her age? No matter how gifted she is academically, she shouldn't call other kids "wild" just because they are playing outside. Does she like to ride a bike, jump rope, anything like that? I would say get her on a soccer team or basketball team. Most rec depts have athletic/organized neighborhood teams. Even a baseball team. Volleyball would be fine too, except may not be offered through rec dept. I just feel sad that this little girl thinks that she is "better" than kids that maybe aren't as "book smart" as she is. That kind of thinking, comments at her age are most likely something she is repeating from someone she heard. Someone should work with her on her social skills, even counseling if found necessary. I feel like if the attitude doesn't change she is in for a rough road as she gets friends, etc. I don't mean to sound unkind, but a little girl at 7 years old, no matter how smart, should be outside having fun in the sun!

  4. First of all, VOLLEYBALL? Hardest sport to do well in. This seven year old needs a sport where she doesn't have to be awesome to enjoy it. Maybe soccer which heightens teamwork. Tennis could work too. Hope this helps, 10 points are appreciated.

  5. I think that you should get her into figure skating. Have her take a beginning group lesson once a week, and buy her a inexpensive pair of skates.

    When I was her age, I totally can relate to her. When I was her age I was the same. Then I got into figure skating, and I was fine after that. In figure skating, you don't need to have great coordination, and you can wear sweat pants, tights, and a shirt, and sweatshirt and she'll be fine.

    I suggest you get her some ice skate tights [about $12] and then she doesnt need to wear socks [socks will give her blisters]

    ---- OR OR OR OR OR OR OR ---

    Another thing you might want to get her into if she doesn't like sports is art. Art is very fun, and who knows? She might be a good artist after a few lessons.

  6. Try and find some athletic activity that you and her can do together, such as cycling, get her interested in that way, showing her that you and Hubby does it as well.

    Playing throw and catch with her is a great way to improve coordination, and perhaps in a few years see if she wants to join a local team. Don't force her to, as it will probably make her resist even more.

  7. lack of coordination? try swimming.

  8. Swimming is a great sport, maybe you and your husband could find something that the 3 of you can do together like riding bikes or even just tossing a ball around.  Go on a nature hike, it win't even feel like exercise.  As far as the part about her thinking she is better than "regular" kids.  Maybe calmly say to her "You know, that's not very nice to say about someone.  They are not bad because they enjoy something different than you do.  Maybe you should try what they're doing and you might enjoy it too."  Good luck
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