
Sports physical T.T do they give drug tst or make u pee in cup? if dey find drugs do dey tell parents?

by  |  earlier

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what do tehy do with the pee?

are the results instant with the pee?

do the peditricians make u do it?

do u get shots?




  1. What up Trippy,

    Unless things have changed recently- they don't make you do drug tests.  Some if they send you to the doctors- will have your doctor take an urine test- but i don't think it's for drug testing.  

    Heck most employers these days make you do it- so i wouldn't be surprised if they are starting to change things- especially with the fear of steroids use in high school.


  2. Yeah, they'll make you pee in a cup, but not for drug-testing. So you're safe there haha. It's just to check the chemicals in your system to make sure they're "balanced out" The results with the pee should just take a few minutes. And I don't recall getting any shots..

  3. they will make u pee in a cup. when my doctor checks for drugs he makes me pee in front of him, when its just for a checkup i go in the bathroom to fill it, i dont know if they tell ur parents

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