
Spot bot... does it work for old urine stains?

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I have heard great things about the Spot Bot cleaning machine. My only worry is that most of my stains are urine stains from my Chihuahua and sometimes I don't find them in the house until they are up to a week old. (He is very sneaky) These stains are impossible to get out and I don't want to have to pay for new carpet when we move out of our apartment. Has the Spot bot worked on any old stains for anyone else??




  1. There is almost no consumer product that will effectively remove urine stains despite all the recommendations you may get.

    You need a professional product.

    Pro's Choice Urine Stain Remover

    When you go to order it will ask for a company name. I would just make one up or use your last name and then carpet cleaning.

    Just make sure you rinse the stains out throughly with water before using this product. You do not want any other cleaning agents reacting with the product. It also works best on dry carpet.

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